Become a “Liker” of Genesis Today on Facebook, then click the “Carpool Contest” tab on the left to print a new coupon for $2.00 off both Genesis today Wake Me & Relax Me (32 oz)! Expires 7/31/11. One coupon per person.
Wake Me™ Citrus Juice is a great-tasting, all natural pick-me-up. It provides a little get-up-and-go to get you through your day. Relax Me™ Berry Tea is a delicious berry flavored herbal tea (caffeine free) that helps you unwind and relax…naturally!
Genesis Today is also having a photo contest where the winner will receive a $100 gas card. These products are focused on those Moms who carpool, so uplaod photos of your carpool crews and they’ll select the two best photos each week, and at the end of four weeks they’ll let the fans decide who has the best photo through Facebook likes.
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