Our next giveaway is from a clothing swap company called thredUP! Have you had a chance to try them out yet? It is a great way to save some of your hard earned money and recycle your unwanted clothing.
Swapping on thredUP is all about getting great new clothes (and toys!) for your kids while getting rid of stuff they no longer use. You can Swap, Sell, Buy and Exchange with Friends all while Going “Green”. Collectively, Americans discard two quadrillion pounds (that’s a two with fifteen zeros) of used clothes and textiles into landfills each year. thredUP lets you “up-cycle” your child’s wardrobe. By sharing what we already have, parents can make a huge step towards sustainable living. Save green and go green by swapping with like-minded moms.
The terrific folks at thredUp are giving (1) Coupon Katarina reader a fantastic Giveaway Package: 1 free year of Pro + 1 free box (including shipping)!
There are (2) requirements for entry into this giveaway:
(1) Sign-up for the thredUp eNewsletter OR “Like” thredUp on Facebook – let them know Coupon Katarina sent you. Then leave a comment here on the blog letting me know which one you did.
(2) Follow Coupon Katarina via Email, Facebook, Twitter or RSS. If you already follow me, that counts too. Leave a comment telling me so.
Be sure to enter on all 5 participating blogs, for a total of 10 possible entries:
Bucktown Bargains, Coupon Katarina, Couponing to Disney, Jessica’s Coupons, and Rose Knows Coupons!
…And don’t forget to “Like” the Celebrate Earth Day 2011 Facebook Page so you can be a part of all the fun!
This giveaway ends on Earth Day, April 22nd at 5 PM (EST) and winners will be announced shortly thereafter on the blogs and also contacted via email. You have 48 hours to respond or prize will be forfeited.
***This giveaway is being provided by thredUP. All opinions remain my own.
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