For our next giveaway today, I’d like to talk to you about Abe’s Market of Natural Goods.
Too often today, we buy products without knowing the origin of the products. It’s easy to forget that the products we all use are made by real people. Abe’s Market introduces you to fantastic natural products and the real people who make them.
Abe’s Market is the online marketplace for great natural products. They connect buyers seeking amazing natural products with the people who make them. There’s no need to prowl the Internet for a broader natural product selection than can be found at your local natural market. At Abe’s Market, you can get all your natural product buying done in one place. It’s like heading to the local market without having to leave your house because you can really trust the people that work there and every product is hand picked.
Abe’s Market sells products from face cream to furniture polish to kids clothing and toys and everything in between. They are always offering promos like free shipping or $10 off $30 coupon codes, which I just LOVE!
Abe’s Market has offered (1) Coupon Katarina reader a gift box valued at over $100 which include all of the following:
- (1) print from Children Inspire Design
- (1) of Sleep Mist, Uplift Mist and Detox Mist from Essence of Vali
- (1) On-the-Go Formula & Snack Dispensers from ZoLi
- (1) case of Little Duck Organics baby and toddler snacks
- (1) $50 Abe’s Market Gift Certificates
There are (2) requirements for entry into this giveaway:
(1) Become a “Liker” of Abe’s Market on Facebook and let them know Coupon Katarina sent you! Then leave me a comment here on the blog that you have done so.
(2) Follow Coupon Katarina via Email, Facebook, Twitter or RSS. If you already follow me, that counts too. Leave a comment telling me so.
Be sure to enter on all 5 participating blogs, for a total of 10 possible entries:
Bucktown Bargains, Coupon Katarina, Couponing to Disney, Jessica’s Coupons, and Rose Knows Coupons!
…And don’t forget to “Like” the Celebrate Earth Day 2011 Facebook Page so you can be a part of all the fun!
This giveaway ends on Earth Day, April 22nd at 5 PM (EST) and winners will be announced shortly thereafter on the blogs and also contacted via email. You have 48 hours to respond or prize will be forfeited.
***This giveaway is being provided by Abe’s Market. All opinions remain my own.
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