If you’ve been reading my blog for some time, you will have noticed that typically when I post an online deal, I will mention that you should go through Ebates to earn cash back on your online purchases.
With Ebates, you can earn cash back at any of over 1,200 stores (including many “green” stores) any time you start your shopping trip at There are no points to redeem, no forms to mail in, and no fees. Stores pay Ebates a sales commission for sending shoppers their way, and Ebates uses the commission to pay you cash back.
Here’s a brief walk-through that will hopefully give you a better understanding as to how this site works.
Search for the online store you are shopping with. For example, if you want to shop at, you will first go to Ebates, then search “The Children’s Place”. Your search results are shown below.
Click “Shop Now” and a tracking ticket will be created. You will then be linked to where you just shop as you normally would. You can even use coupon codes. The only difference is, Ebates is tracking your purchases so you can earn cash back.
If you notice, each store has a different cash back percentage. In this case, The Children’s Place currently yeilds 3% cash back. It takes anywhere from 3-5 days to see your cash back deposited to your Ebates account after your purchases have been completed. Here is a screen shot of my Cash Pending (from a couple Ebay purchases I made).
Here’s the awesome thing about Ebates…Provided you have at least $5.01 in your account, they send you a check every quarter! Plus, you receive a $5.00 cash bonus just for signing up! If you do not have at least $5.01 in your account (not counting your bonus), your balance just carries over to the next quarter.
I cannot say enough good things about Ebates. Let’s review: earn cash back for online purchases you were already going to make? That’s a no-brainer.
Ebates has so generously offered (1) Coupon Katarina Reader $100 in the form of a BIG FAT CHECK!
There are (2) requirements for entry into this giveaway.
(1) Sign up for Ebates (mandatory and will be verified), which as you know is completely FREE and totally worth it! 😉 If you are already an Ebates Member, that counts too! Leave a comment telling me so.
(2) Follow Coupon Katarina via Email, Facebook, Twitter or RSS. If you already follow me, that counts too. Leave a comment telling me so.
Be sure to enter on all 5 participating blogs, for a total of 10 possible entries:
Bucktown Bargains, Coupon Katarina, Couponing to Disney, Jessica’s Coupons, and Rose Knows Coupons!
…And don’t forget to “Like” the Celebrate Earth Day 2011 Facebook Page so you can be a part of all the fun!
This giveaway ends on Earth Day, April 22nd at 5 PM (EST) and winners will be announced shortly thereafter on the blogs and also contacted via email. You have 48 hours to respond or prize will be forfeited.
***This giveaway is being provided by Ebates. All opinions remain my own.
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existing ebates member.
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I am a fan on facebook and a member of Ebates!
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I follow you via e-mail! Thank you!!!
I just registered with Ebates.
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I am a member of Ebates and love getting money back. At Christmas time I totally made out.
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I already am an Ebates member.
I like Coupon Katarina on fb.
I am already a member of Ebates.
I follow U on Twitter & Facebook, plus signed up for Ebates.
I am already an ebates member and I follow you on Facebook- appreciate you both!
I’m a huge fan of ebates and am already a member. Also follow you via email. Thanks for keeping this busy mom up to date with all of the great deals and freebies out there!
I am a fan of your FB
I’m already an EBates member
And, I am a new fan of your face book page too!
Wow!! :0 How great this would be for Easter or better Mother’s Day!
I am an existing member of ebates, pretty new to their site. Thanks so VERY much!
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TaraTagli at gmail dot com
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TaraTagli at gmail dot com
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Already a DEVOTED ebates shopper! (And a twitter follower of you) 🙂
I’m an ebate member
Following Coupon Katarina on twitter
shannonsweep at gmail dot com
All ready an ebates member and expecting my first big fat check soon! My log on email is saastuff@gmail dot com
shannonsweep at gmail dot com
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I’m an Ebates member.
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Ebates member!
I’m already an Ebates user. Ebates is great.
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I’m an Ebate user.
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I’m already an Ebates member. Love it!
So glad to find you through facebook.
I already use Ebates and follow your blog:)
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I’m already an EBates member.
Am and Ebates member & like you on FB
i am a member of one of the best inventions ever, ebates! 🙂
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Follow Coupon Katarina via Email, Facebook: Nhi Buie Bich Le, & Twitter: nhitran79
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Member of Ebates and I follow the amazing Katarina! (Thanks for all you do!)
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I am a registered user at Ebates (different email address though)
I am a member of Ebates
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I follow you on Facebook as well as receive your daily email. 🙂
I am a member of Ebates.
follow you on facebook. subscribe to ebates.
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Already a member on Ebates
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I am already an Ebates member.
I’m already a member on Ebates
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Ebates member [email protected]
i “like” you on facebook as well! (beckie ford)
i am already a member of Ebates!!!!
I have an ebates membership.
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get your emails!
am registered for ebates as nre2003
I Did Them ALL Except For Twitter, Love Your Blog!!!!
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Alrady follw you on FB
Already signed up for EBates
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I am a member of Ebates! Love their site!
I’m registered with eBates and follow your RSS feed.
I am a member of Ebates, as well.
I follow you on FB and through emails.
ebates member & new twitter follower (@crypticmama) unsure if i was supposed to leave a comment for each, or just 1?
I follow your RSS feed and enjoy the discounts ebates offers.
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I registered at ebates
I follow you on Twitter and facebook. I am an ebates member. 🙂
I follow you on facebook!
I am an ebates member! =)
I am a registered user of Ebates and I follow you on facebook and receive your emails
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I am an ebates member
….also get your daily e-mails…
Follow you on FB….
I am signed up for Ebates already…got a check recently too…awesome!
I also get your emails and check everyday
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I belong to ebates and love it!!
I receive your e-mails. Love ’em!
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I am already an Ebates member and got my first check!! 🙂
Registered with Ebates and follow you on RSS!
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I am a member of ebates
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I am a member of ebates!
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I am signed up for ebates
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I am an ebates member!
I follow you on Facebook 🙂
I am an Ebates member!
follow you on facebook
) Sign up for Ebates
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I follow you on facebook and email!
I am a member of ebates.
I follow your blog, and I get your daily email. Thank you for all the help saving my family money!
I am a member of Ebates.
I am a long-time ebate user AND I follow you on facebook, twitter and I subscribe. thanks!
I am signed up with Ebates and I “liked it”
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I’m already an Ebates member. “calidreamin87″
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ebates member
I’m an Ebates Member
Subscribe to email and follow on FB!
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I love to use Ebates!
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I am already a member of ebates,
i like you on facebook 🙂
love ebates! I have been using them since september and bought more than 1/2 of our wii with what i got back! 🙂
I am already a member of ebates! 🙂
I am registered on ebates
i follow you on facebook and twitter
I am registed on ebates
I follow you on Twitter as fink_girl.
Ebates is great!
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I am a Ebates member
I am an ebates member!
i follow u on facebook!
Just added you to my Google reader (I’m the same Kelli as comment #85)!
Been loving Ebates for years! 😀
Already a member of ebates and I love it!
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I’m on ebates!
I enjoy following you on FB too!!
I love ebates!!
Like you on Facebook, you’re great!
LOVE Ebates! I am a member.. .
I am an ebates member.
I follow you on Facebook.
already use ebates and follow you.
signed up today for your FB site and emails and love all the giveaways and great tips you post
already ebates member
I already use Ebates and I just signed up to get your emails – can’t wait!
I belong to EBATES and follow Coupon Katrina
I follow you on Facebook (bayles dot 17 at hotmail dot com)
I follow you on FB
I am a Ebates member already and LOVE when they deposit money in my Paypal acct!
I subscribe via Google Reader (laurenbayles at gmail dot com)
I’m a faithful member of ebates!
I am a registered member of Ebates and I love it!
i like you on FB, follow u on Twitter, and subscribe to rss
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i am signed up with ebates
I follow ya on the twitter
I am already a ebates member
already an ebates member and already follow you on FB
i am a member of ebates.
i follow on facebook
like you on Fb Jennifer Bee
I am an Ebates member!
Follow CK on facebook and email
Member of Ebates
I’m an ebates member and i get your emails!
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I’m an ebates member!
I’m an ebates member and i get your emails!
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I like you on facebook as tom c.
I’m an ebates member already 🙂
Ebates member already.
I signed up for ebates and follow you on Facebook! 🙂
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Registered with Ebates
“Like” you on facebook and I subscribe to your feeds! 🙂
I am already a member of ebates!
follow you on FB@tcarolinep JessieKatie S
I’m a member
We are also signed up with ebates.
We follow your facebook updates! Your awesome.
I follow you via google reader
I am a facebook fan of coupon katarina
I’m an Ebates member
I have signed up for ebates
I follow you on facebook and get your daily emails. Thanks!
I signed up for Ebates…cash back for shopping? Yes please!
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I LOVE ebates and I follow you on FB!!
I’m a member of ebates!
I use ebates and follow u on fb….
I also follow you on facebook!
Ebates is the bomb! Just like your daily emails, which I subscribe to!
I’m already an ebates member
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I am a member of ebates
i follow you on fb
I am a follower on facebook.
I am already an ebates member…LOVE ebates!
I am a member of ebates and I follow you on FB!
ebates looks amazing! Thank you for sharing them!
And I follow on Facebook 😉
I am a member of ebates – LOVE this program!!!
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on ebates !!
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I’ve been an ebates member for a long time!
I follow you on facebook and have been a fan and liked Ebates for a year now
I receive your emails and follow you and FB and twitter.
I signed up for ebates.
already a follower
I follow you on FB
I am a registered user of Ebates…LOVE THEM!!!