April and May of 2011 is permanently marked in our minds as the largest tornado outbreak in US history. The devastation to individuals and families in the Southeast is unspeakable and life shattering. The destruction carries a price tag of over $5 billion. Our hearts are heavy and burdened for those who have suffered so much tragic loss of life and property. We can bring relief and restoration to these tornado torn towns.
Would you like to help? Well, I’ve got a fantastic deal for you! Click4Hope has partnered with several bloggers to help raise money for victims by offering 30 Issues of All You Magazine for ONLY $25 – that’s just $0.83 an issue! Plus, $10 for every sale will aid in disaster reliefs! Go here to get started.
If you’ve been reading for awhile, you’ll notice I use All You Magazine in a lot of my deal matchups. If you’re unfamiliar with this magazine, let me familiarize you! All You is a must have to build up your coupon stash quickly! It is a monthly magazine that is exclusively sold at Walmart or you can order a subscription. Each month features nearly $100 worth of coupons! At this price, it might be worth it to grab a second subscription!
I meant, I just subscribed to All You.
Darn it! I just subscribed to this 10 min. before you posted this one. I thought I was getting a good deal @ $15.00 for 12 issues. I might have to order 2 subs. now.