I came accross an interesting article about Random Acts of Kindess Week in one of my parenting magazine that I wanted to share with you!
Random of Kindness Week – Feb 14th – 20th
“For seven days during RAK Week we invite you to take the Extreme Kindness Challenges.
We will suggest a new Act of Kindness each day. Choose a time when it works for you to do the Act of Kindness, but be sure to do it at least once each day for seven days. If you don’t want to do our idea but instead decide to do a challenge of your own, that counts too! Our mission is to inspire you to act and share. We know that act of Kindness is our Ticket to a Kinder World!”
Check out Random Act of Kindness for kindness Ideas, Kindness links, and other resources.
With that being said I decided to “Pay it Forward” Coupon Katarina Style…as my random act of kindness I will give away a $10 Starbucks Card to someone who leaves a comment with their own Random Act of Kindness this week. It can be something as small as taking an interest in someone else, being a “coupon fairy” (leaving coupons on the shelf), or something you come up with. Big or Small the point is to show kindness to others. So, enjoy a coffee on me or share it with a friend, either way look for ways to “pay it forward”.
To be eligible for this random act of kindess you must leave a comment on my blog. That’s it! I will choose a recipient from the comments section of this post on Friday at 10 pm (EST).
You may also consider Becoming a “Liker” of Random Acts of Kindness Foundation on Facebook! Not mandatory, but highly recommended. 🙂
I wrote my husband a love note.
I love to coupon and have shared each link to friends on FB. They are getting to save $$ and get great deals along with me!
I donate extras from my stockpile to the domestic abuse shelter.
I have been helping my sisters and my mom learn to coupon. I took my coupon book to my moms to show her how to do them. I have also been posting free giveaways on my facebook page. 2 of my friends got the $2 coupon from cellfire yesterday. 🙂
I put a lot of coupons on the shelves at WAlmart yesterday. I mean a lot. From band-aids, shampoo, toaster strudels, personal hygiene products to food items.
i paid for the food from the people behind me at Mcdonald’s. It wasn’t much and I hope it inspired them to pay for the people behind them. After being in the drive thru for several minutes, I believe they appreciated it.
I gave a brand new pair of Crocs to my son’s daycare worker :0)
I was in line at McDonalds and paid for the person behind me. It was $4.12.
I left some coupons that were expiring soon on a shelf at the store since I didn’t need them
helped an employee out that was a victim of domestic violence last weekend. Efforts did not seem to help as she is returning to him, but at least I tried.
This week, we gathered 10+ boxes of clothing and household items to donate to a charity program called Homes of Grace. I also gave the person in line behind me at Redbox, the free “BEMINE” promo code to use on V-Day.
I brought Valentine’s goody bags to the kids in the shelter.
I surprised my 5 year old son with a late Valentine’s Day present! He was soo happy and loved his new Hotwheels cars!
I have some back issues of Patrones (a much beloved but expensive and hard to find spanish sewing magazine). I plan to sell them on ebay. I gave one away to a follower on Twitter just because she is a fellow sewnista.
I’m loving this whole idea! What a great way to spread some love.
i left some coupons on the shelf at target.
I’ve been clipping coupons for a while, sending my expired ones overseas for use in the commissaries. I’ve also been leaving the ones I know I’ll never use (for example, I abhor diet sodas) on the store shelves with the items. Well, just recently, when I find a good deal, I’ll use the coupon and leave the score for someone whom I know will enjoy it.
This is such an awesome gesture!! My hubby didn’t know that this was goin on and a lady at McDonald’s bought his breadfast and coffee!! He was just amazed, and paid it back!!
i have just begun couponing and today i shared my coupon with a lady at RiteAid. I was on line and ready to pay when a i saw a lady with 2 Gain dishwashing soaps on her hand and was counting lose change so she could pay the 2 dishwashing soaps. i handed her 2 of my $1 off Gain coupon and she got the soaps free. She thanked me a million times and the cashier from the store told me that it was so nice of me to do it. i walked out the store feeling great tonight.
I taught a friend this week how to coupon, and she is already addicted.
I shop at SuperTarget and I gave a handful of diaper and tortillas coupons to a lady in front of me while waiting for check out since her cart was full of those.
I went out to get lunch and ordered a small pizza. When I was walking back, I saw somebody asking for money and gave him my pizza!
Also, I baked tons of sugar cookies this week and gave a dozen to each of my friends whom I hadn’t seen in a while. 🙂
I just cleared my daughter’s closet of clothes that are too small and donated them to a local shelter for battered women and their children.
I saw that Pull-Ups are on sale at CVS this week and I had a couple of really good coupons about to expire. I have no young children at home anymore, but I DO have a beautiful granddaughter and handsome nephew that are in Pull-Ups, so they each got a pack given to them today. (Really, it’s the least I could do for my daughter since she’s the one that turned me on to CVSing!)
On Monday DD and I went to Super Target and since she’s newly out of diapers I had a lot of diaper coupons so we just wondered down the diaper isle and gave them to all the people buying diapers. I don’t buy anything without a coupon so I was shocked to see that not one of these people had a coupon of their own!
I went through my closet and picked out some of my clothes that i really don’t need. Had been saving them for a garage sale but decided instead it would be better to donate them! I know many people could use some clothes, and not the kind with holes or stains on them!
I just gave away 5 sacks of things (beauty supplies, etc.) to families who have been struggling. These were all things that I had bought using coupons. If I had not started couponing I would not have been able to afford to do this. Thank you for sharing with others how to coupon. You are paying it forward!!
I was shopping at Rite Aid a few weeks ago when I saw a mom struggling with 2 toddlers and an infant. I decided to give her my cereal coupons that would give her 3 boxes of free cereal. She was very surprised and thanked me profusely with tears in her eyes. I was so happy to be able to bless her!
Thank you for making me think about what I can do for someone else. It is always nice to be reminded…to be nice. 🙂
I brought in valentines cupcakes for my coworkers who talked about not enjoying valentines day because no one ever thought of them. I felt so good inside!
I was out shopping today after work and was decided to go to starbucks for a treat, and after i paid I told the barista that i wanted to pay for the car behind me. she was really taken back and smiled and said she would pay half.
I went grocery shopping this evening for my next door neighbor because she just had surgery and is a single mom. Anything to help out – everyone has been helping her out whether it’s watching the kids etc. I figure picking up the grocery tab for her this week and restocking her kitchen is my way of helping out! 🙂 I’m babysitting for her on Friday and am baking some red velvet cupcakes baked for the kids – they are so cute!
it’s funny you said being a coupon fairy. Before I even knew about RAK week, I did just that. I came in this morning and found a coupon in my purse for Rubbermaid containers. We are overflowing at home, but I went to see the prices. There was a box of 18 marked down to $5.50 and I definitely didn’t need it, so I put the $1 off coupon I had right on the box for someone else to use.
I gave our neighbors a whole bag of goodies filled with items that I received free/cheap from couponing. They were extremely appreciative. 🙂
before I went to bed last night I left a note for each of the kids telling them how special they are. As they filtered down the steps this morning each of them greeted me w/a big smile.
I have just begun couponing. My cousin, Jackie, helped me get started. Having very few coupons to start, she sent me websites to use and sent me an envelope of coupons. She is a real sweetie and I appreciate her very much. also, I am job hunting, been out of the market for a while, she spent more than 8 hours working on a resume for me. She loves starbucks coffee. this would be a wonderful way to pay it forward.