We have a $1.00 sale on this Hormel Pepperoni at Kroger but the sale does end today. These often go on sale for $1.00 so you may want to just print the coupon and hold on to it (if you don’t plan on going today)!! You’ll be paying $0.50!!
[pl-deal id=’124112′][pl-title]Hormel Pepperoni (3 oz) – $1.00 (thru 3/1)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $0.50/1 Hormel Pepperoni Product printable[/pl-desc]
Just because the register accepted it doesn’t change the fact that it wasn’t what the coupon was intended for. That’s coupon fraud. I wouldn’t brag about it.
My store only had salami and this coupon worked for salami. 🙂