Today’s Groupon for Madison area online deal, anyoe can purchase!) is a $60 Land’s End Voucher for ONLY $30!
My aunt was just telling me this is the store she gets her kids really nice jackets/coats…she just waits for the online clearance and stocks up for each year! They have removable liners, so they can adjust how warm they need their outerwear. Very nice!
You want in?
- New to Groupon? Register with Groupon with this link
(or use this link to Login to your existing account) - Click “Visit More Cities”, select Madison and purchase the Groupon
(anyone can purchase online Groupon deals, no matter where you live!) - Your Groupon will show up under “My stuff”, “My Groupons“
Fine Print: Expires Jan 9, 2011, Limit 2/person. Valid only at listed location and No gift cards. Savings may be deducted from return. Must use in 1 purchase of at least $60.01. No cash back. Tax/shipping not incl’d.
Groupon is an excellent resource for all kinds of coupons related to entertainment, shopping and EATING! It’s a FREE service that sends you one ridiculously huge coupon each day, on the best things to eat, see, do and buy in several different citites!
You can just choose your local area, or you can search an area you may be visiting soon! And in many cases, searches other cities pays off – like this one!
you are out of control! But this website kicks butt!!!