If you grew up watching Saved By The Bell like me, then you’ll understand my excitement when I was asked to join in on a phone conversation with Mario Lopez (A.C. Slater, Baby)!
Last month, Mario and his girlfriend, Courtney, welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Gia Francesca Lopez and Pampers was celebrating their new arrival with a Baby Shower! Right before the baby shower myself and a few other bloggers were able to ask him a few questions about life after baby…HE WAS SO NICE!! You can view the video of his answers below (about 15 minutes in length).
Also in honor of Baby Gia, Pampers is sponsoring a giveaway for my readers!!
One Reader will win a Pampers Gift Pack consisting of (1 pack each) Pampers Diapers, Wipes and Bibsters!
You want in?
There are 4 opportunities to enter. Once you’ve done each one, make sure you leave a comment. You can do any or all, depending on how many chances you would like! If you do all 4, but just leave 1 comment…you only receive 1 entry. You must leave a SEPARATE comment for each one…those are your tickets in! Facebook comments do NOT count as an entry!
- Subscribe to my daily email updates or RSS Feed, then leave a comment that you just subscribed. If you already subscribe, that counts too…just leave a comment here telling me so.
- “Like” Me on Facebook, then leave a comment (here on this post) that you became a liker. If you’re already a fan, leave a comment telling me so.
- Follow me on Twitter, then leave a comment that you are a follower. If you already do, leave a comment telling me so.
- Promote this Giveaway: If you have a blog, write a post about this giveaway and leave a separate comment telling me so. If you don’t have a blog, you can Tweet, post on your Facebook wall, favorite forum or just tell everyone in your office! Just be sure to leave a separate comment telling me so.
So that’s 4 chances to win if you leave a comment for each one!
The winner will be chosen from THE COMMENTS section, so be sure you leave one for each entry!!
This giveaway ends promptly on Monday, November 8th at 5 pm (EST) and a winner will be chosen randomly. The winner will be announced on the blog and also contacted by email. Please check your spam folder too!
(a note about email subscription: once you’ve subscribed, it will send you a confirmation email. You MUST activate your subscription to qualify. If you don’t see it, check your spam folder.)
***A HUGE Thanks to Pampers for sponsoring this giveaway!
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I like you on facebook and saved by the bell was awesome!
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i follow on fb. and awesome interview with lopez!!
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I tweeted: “StephanieG143: Check out @couponkatarina ‘s giveaway on her blog! Thanks to @Pampers and @MarioLopezExtra!
My baby girl’s middle name is Katarina. 🙂
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Hi Katarina,
I’m an email subscriber and love ur site. iam expecting a baby this month and boy we could save so much reading ur site!! Evryday I will be waiting for your email to save some money. Thanks for evrything
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Would love to win this!!! I have to buy diapers all the time!!
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and I promoted this giveaway on FB! Thank you for all you do, you are awesome!!! 😀
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I would love to win this for my friend’s baby shower.
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I recently had to quit my job due to health problems, and saving money has become a major priority. Your site has helped me soooo much. I subscribe to your site, and have been very pleased. Thank you so much.
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Hey! My grandkids bottoms LOVE pampers! I am a liker of yours on facebook!
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I am a supscriber now! Woooo Hoooo! Cant wait to save me some money!
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I like you on Facebook… and very cool by the way! Slater was my favorite. 🙂