1 Reader Wins a Gillette Fusion PROGLIDE Sneak Preview Set!
Set Includes:
- 1 Power Razor
- 1 Cartridge
- 1 Battery
- 1 Hydra Shave Gel
- 1 Thermal Scrub
- 1 Intense Cooling Lotion
What a great gift this would make for that special fella in your life! (fella’s, you can enter too! ;))
You want in??
There are 4 opportunities to enter. Once you’ve done each one, make sure you leave a comment. You can do any or all, depending on how many chances you would like! If you do all 4, but just leave 1 comment…you only receive 1 entry. You must leave a SEPARATE comment for each one…those are your tickets in! Facebook comments do NOT count!
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- Promote this Giveaway: If you have a blog, write a post about this giveaway and leave a separate comment with a link. If you don’t have a blog, you can Tweet, post on your Facebook wall or favorite forum!
That’s at least 4 chances to win if you leave a comment for each one!
The winner will be chosen from THE COMMENTS section, so be sure you leave one for each entry!!
This giveaway ends promptly on Thursday, October 14th at 5 pm (EST) and a winner will be chosen randomly. The winner will be announced on the blog and also contacted by email. Please check your spam folder too!
(a note about email subscription: once you’ve subscribed, it will send you a confirmation email. You MUST activate your subscription to qualify. If you don’t see it, check your spam folder.)
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LOVE MY daily Katarina deals. WOW, will love even more when I retire end of this year, age 75, but last work day is November 26, 2010, 48 years same business. 10/15/10
Wow the great deals me find on Katarina site. You all must sign up, get in the know, and get your coupons for shopping or freebies, or maybe you will win a product.
Be a great gift for my 2 sons or 4 grandsons. Signed up for your newsletter. Keep the goodies coming.
I just signed up for your newsletter. This would be a great gift for my hubbie or our son or our son-in-law or my brother or my brother-in-law or any of the special fellas in my life. Hope I win.
Thanks Katarina.
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I like you on FB! Husband’s birthday is this month and he LOVES this razor… would love to add this to his gift!
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I am already a subsciber to you feed and Email..Thanks for everything you do. I have only been a part of this couponing thing for a couple months and you guys make it sooooo easy!! Thank you for everything you do 🙂
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People like you and sites like this is how people like ME can afford to have grandchildren!
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