This Giveaway is CLOSED!
I was recently given the opportunity to try CoolJuice and must say that while I’m not a big juice drinker, we had some hot days and I was delighted to try each new refreshing flavor! I actually had to fight off my husband who kept reaching for them in the fridge. “um…hello? Those are for ME to review, not you!”
When you hear the names of these juices, you can actually TASTE these fruits. I was testing myself, and my husband would tell me if I was right in guessing which fruits I was tasting. And for the most part I got them all right…well, maybe not elderberry. 😉
Choose from Tropical Blue (yes, blueberry!!), Mango Groove, Tropical Rhythms (passion fruit, guava, etc.) and fruit puch.
CoolJuice is all the good stuff you want for your family:
- All Natural 100% Juice blends
- Vitamins A, C, D & Calcium
- 2 Servings of Fruit in Every 8 Ounce Glass
- Exceeds National Nutrition Standards
And None of the bad stuff you don’t:
- No High-Fructose Corn Syrup
- No Added Sugar
- No Preservatives
- No Artificial Flavors
- No Artificial Colors
The only downside to trying these juices, is that I want more and as of right now they don’t seel them in my area. CoolJuice is sold at Winn-Dixie, Sweetbay, H-E-B, Cub Foods (Minnesota) and Albertson’s (So. CA and NV only). However, there will be in an additional 1000 stores by the end of June in AZ, GA, UT, WY, NM, NY, NY, MA, VA, WV DC, and MD too! If you live in any of those states and would like to try them for FREE too…enter my giveaway!!
CoolJuice has offered (5) Readers a 1 Month Supply of FREE CoolJuice (4 FREE Coupons)!
You MUST “Like” CoolJuice on Facebook as well as “follow” Coupon Katarina and/or Southern Cali Saver (see details below) in order to qualify for entry into this giveaway!
This is a COMMENT METHOD Giveawaway! Each Reader gets up to 9 entries. (1) for “liking” CoolJuice on Facebook, up to (4) for “Following” Coupon Katarina (several choices) and up to (4) for “Following” Southern Cali Saver. You MUST leave a separate comment for each entry – those are your tickets in!! Here are the links you’ll need to qualify, then leave a comment here on this blog post confirming you have done so.
- “Like” CoolJuice on Facebook and let them know who sent you!
- Subscribe to Coupon Katarina daily email updates or RSS Feed
- Follow Coupon Katarina on Twitter
- “Like” Coupon Katarina on Facebook
Get additional entries by following Southern Cali Saver! Go here to enter the giveaway from her site. This giveaway ends on Monday, May 23rd at 7pm (EST) and the winners will be announced on the blogs and contacted by email shortly thereafter. Winners have 48 hours to respond or prize will be forfeited. Any comments left on Facebook do NOT count as entry.
Can’t wait to try CoolJuice? Here are a couple coupons you can print today:
$1.00/1 CoolJuice (64 oz) – zip 92591
$1.00/1 CoolJuice (64 oz)(facebook)
This giveaway is being provided by CoolJuice. All opinions remain my own.
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