This giveaway is CLOSED!
If you’ve been reading my blog for some time, you will have noticed that typically when I post an online deal, I will mention that you should go through Ebates to earn cash back on your online purchases.
With Ebates, you can earn cash back at any of over 1,200 stores any time you start your shopping trip at There are no points to redeem, no forms to mail in, and no fees. Stores pay Ebates a sales commission for sending shoppers their way, and Ebates uses the commission to pay you cash back.
Here’s a brief walk-through that will hopefully give you a better understanding as to how this site works.
Search for the online store you are shopping with. For example, if you want to shop at, you will first go to Ebates, then search “The Children’s Place”. Your search results are shown below.
Click “Shop Now” and a tracking ticket will be created. You will then be linked to where you just shop as you normally would. You can even use coupon codes. The only difference is, Ebates is tracking your purchases so you can earn cash back.
If you notice, each store has a different cash back percentage. In this case, The Children’s Place currently yeilds 3% cash back. It takes anywhere from 3-5 days to see your cash back deposited to your Ebates account after your purchases have been completed. Here is a screen shot of my Cash Pending (from a couple Ebay purchases I made).
Here’s the awesome thing about Ebates…Provided you have at least $5.01 in your account, they send you a check every quarter! Plus, you receive a $5.00 cash bonus just for signing up! If you do not have at least $5.01 in your account (not counting your bonus), your balance just carries over to the next quarter.
I cannot say enough good things about Ebates. Let’s review: earn cash back for online purchases you were already going to make? That’s a no-brainer.
Ebates has so generously offered ONE Reader $100 in the form of a BIG FAT CHECK!
There are 5 opportunities to enter. The only mandatory entry is that you MUST sign up for Ebates, which as you know is completely FREE and totally worth it! 😉 You get additional entries for following Coupon Katarina too!
Here are the links you’ll need…then fill in the form below to confirm.
- Sign-Up for Ebates using THIS LINK (this is mandatory and will be verfied)
If you are already an Ebates Member, that counts too! - “Like” Coupon Katarina on Facebook
- Subscribe to my daily email updates or RSS Feed
- Follow Coupon Katarina Twitter
- Promote this giveaway via Facebook (share button) or Twitter (retweet)
This giveaway ends promptly on Tuesday, March 8th at 7 pm (EST) and a winner will be chosen randomly. The winner will be announced on the blog and also contacted by email. Please check your spam folder too! The winner has 48 hours to reply or prize will be forfeited.
***This giveaway is being provided by Ebates. All opinions remain my own.
I hope I remembered to do it. Eeeeek
I received your e-mail alerts.
I follow you on FB.
I use EBates all the time!
I LOVE ebates! I just got my $23 big fat check in the mail!
I love ebates my last check was 40.00
I just got a “big fat check” $14.03! Tks Kat and Ebates
Wow What a contest!! I love Ebates