This Giveaway is CLOSED.
If you’ve been reading my blog for some time, you already know how much I love Tanga! Well, just to show their appreciation for great customers like you, the have agreed to give one Coupon Katarina reader an Xbox 360 4gb!! Yes, you heard me right – a stinkin’ Xbox!! Woohoo!!
There are 6 opportunities to enter. Once you’ve done each one, make sure you leave a comment. If you do all 6, but just leave 1 comment…you only receive 1 entry. You must leave a SEPARATE comment for each one…those are your tickets in!
Mandatory for entry:
- Become a “Liker” of Tanga on Facebook: Leave a comment here stating you have done so (this is MANDATORY for entry)
- Become a “Liker” of Coupon Katarina on Facebook: Leave a comment here stating you have done so (this is also MANDATORY for entry)
While the above 2 are mandatory for entry into the giveaway, you can also grab 4 more entries by leaving comments for the following:
- Subscribe to my daily email updates or RSS Feed, then leave a comment that you just subscribed. If you already subscribe, that counts too…just leave a comment here telling me so.
- Follow me on Twitter, then leave a comment that you became a liker. If you’re already a follower, leave a comment telling me so.
- Subscribe to Tanga’s daily email updates or RSS Feed, then leave a comment that you just subscribed. If you already subscribe leave a comment here telling me so.
- Follow Tanga on Twitter, then leave a comment that you are a follower. If you already do, leave a comment telling me so.
The winner will be chosen from THE COMMENTS section, so be sure you leave one for each entry!! Facebook comments do NOT count.
This giveaway ends promptly on Sunday, February 13th at 11 pm (EST) and a winner will be chosen randomly. The winner will be announced on the blog and also contacted by email. Please check your spam folder too! The winner has 48 hours to reply or prize will be forfeited.
(a note about email subscription: once you’ve subscribed, it will send you a confirmation email. You MUST activate your subscription to qualify. If you don’t see it, check your spam folder.)
***This giveaway is being provided by Tanga. All opinions remain my own.
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I already get Tanga’s daily emails.
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I get your daily emails.
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