Many of you may have received a Jif Peanut Butter coupon in your 8/2 Red Plum. Right now I only know of a $1/2 and $1/3 but there may be additional values. Let me know if you received another value. After coupon we are talking peanut butter for as low as $0.49.
Not following the math…. free?
If the Jif is .99 and you use a $1/2 how is it free??confused about the math. Or is it because of doubling coupon
Theresa Fisher
You can only use one type of coupon at a time on the Sunday paper coupon. Only one whip only one dip, so on.
@Angie, lol, I was thinking the same thing about the math! Oh well, at least I know it will be at least 49¢ here at my store after coupon.
I did not recieve one either here in Wichita,KS and I got the “Yes” paper for 8/2. There were 2 RP but no Jiff. I am very sad :(…
Lancaster, Ohio $1 off 3 and it is still $1.49.
Help! I don’t receive RP but I added a coupon to my shoppers card via he website and nothing ended up coming off at the store. Thoughts?!
I received the 1.00/3 JIF coupon and it was in the RP insert – but not from the Sunday paper; I get a separate insert in a white bag that they throw in the driveway on Monday mornings! -Cincinnati, OH
.50 off 2 here in IL
How am I missing the coupons? They are in RedPlum from this last Sunday’s paper? I must be loosing my mind! Can’t find these or the ones for the jelly. Any ideas?
Tanana pool
In Detroit Michigan still 1.49
But 2 at 99c = 1.98 – $1/2q = 98c.
Not free.
We received .50 on 2