12/30 – 1/26 | Kraft Singles
Buy (2) = $1.00 OYNO
Buy (3) = $2.00 OYNO
Buy (4+) = $3.00 OYNO
We received a NEW $0.75 coupon for Kraft Singles yesterday and we have a Catalina that will start on December 30. You may want to print and save the coupon until the Catalina begins. I will update you on this when it begins but until then, print this coupon up!
Deal Scenario Beginning 12/30:
[pl-deal id=’116025′][pl-title]Kraft Singles (12 oz) – $3.49 (Reg Price)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use (2) $0.75/1 KRAFT Singles (12 oz or larger) printable
Pay $5.48, get back $1.00 OYNO[/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]2.24 each[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
Thanks for the Catalina printout, Sherry!
Kroger digital avb for this other Kraft cheese & cream cream cheese for those that are unable to print 🙂
Thank you for pointing this out.
Do you know if the fat free is included?