In the past, Kroger Digital Coupons were considered “store” coupons, and therefore were able to be “stacked” with a paper coupon on a single item. However, it looks like the rules have changed and we can no longer do this.
In the Coupon Help section of you will read the following new rule regarding stacking digital coupons with paper coupons:
Digital Coupons Rules
Q: Can I use paper coupons as well as digital coupons on the same item?
A: Limit of one coupon per item. Digital coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item.
I’m not sure if the computer is programmed to recognize that a paper coupon is used, then removes the digital coupon, or if the digital coupon takes preference and the paper coupon beeps, or if this is a suggestion based on the honor system. At any rate, the good old days are gone! From now on in my weekly Kroger matchups, I will list the digital coupons as available coupons to use, but will not promote stacking them.
To contact Kroger with your questions about your coupons, call 888-553-3003 or contact them by email.
(thanks for the heads up on this, Missy!)
UPDATE: I just spoke with someone at Kroger Digital and she informed me that paper coupons take preference. As soon as the paper coupon is scanned, the digital coupon will NOT be applied.
I had heard this was happening, so last week I had them scan my card, and then slowly handed in my paper coupons. It DID stack at that point, so I am wondering if its the computer, individual stores, managers, etc. I have had different cashiers approach doubling also! Some scan and don’t care, some are nasty and picky!
I wonder if Krogers will lose business to those stores that do allow stacking?
I also wonder if this will effect cellfire and shortcuts digital coupons?
I thought that this has always been the rule, but that most Krogers will accept both…and varies by manager at each location
Hi Kayla…well, perhaps. But I was told by Kroger Corporate (this is in the beginning) that Kroger Digital coupons were considered “store” coupons and therefore, could be stacked. Then I started hearing rumblings that this was going to change…and now this. I have a feeling that some of these digital coupons are going to slip past them though…we’ll see! 🙂
do u know if this is all stores. i had heard this a few weeks ago but someone told me our local store was not making these changes
That makes the digital coupons about useless in my opinion, since they don’t double like the paper coupons.