Are you ready for BONUS fuel points? We have a Kroger Digital Coupon for 100 BONUS fuel points when you shop at Kroger from 9/22-9/10/5. All you have to do is download the coupon, spend $35 and the bonus 100 points will be added to your account. This coupon is a LIMIT 5 and can be used once a day until the limit has been reached!
Last Day to Earn 100 Bonus Points When You Spend $35.00 at Kroger (LIMIT 5)!!

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I can’t find the coupon on my app, but I know I’ve used it at least 6 or times lol. I’m blessed with 80¢ off right now!
I used this deal only twice, but now the coupon is gone. Did they stop this promo?
I cannot find this coupon. I even see it in our weekly circular but when I scan the code it doesn’t take me to it. I’m not asking you for technical support, just found your website and think it’s awesome but I’ve gotta just shake my fist at you for getting this coupon when I can’t find it! Grr! Haha Keep up the krazy good work. I just signed up for emails.