Click “READ MORE” to view the entire matchup.
Here is the full inclusions list for the Buy 10, Save $5 Kroger Mega Sale. Please note that MOST of these items do not have prices yet, but we will be updating the list LIVE on Wednesday when the sale starts and we’re able to scope out all of the UNadvertised deals!
This is a 2 week sale that runs WITH your sale cycle! Buy (10) Participating Products (mix & match) and receive $5 off INSTANTLY at checkout. NO LIMITS!!
View Mega Event Full Inclusions List released to me by Kroger.
New to Mega Event shopping? Check out my “How to shop a Kroger Mega Event” post.
Buy 10, Save $5 Mega Event
Prices reflect additional $0.50 per item savings assuming you have purchased 10 participating items.
I cant print the list anymore either but I think it is because Microsoft EDGE has taken over my computer.
Does anyone know if Kelloggs Krave cereal is part of the buy 10 save $5? Thanks
I used to be able to download and print the full inclusion list for a mega event that I could take to the store with me. Now all I can get is a very distorted “picture”. Disappointed.
in northern ky, the nature valley bars are on sale for 1.88 after mega, not 1.49. still a good deal, but I was hoping for 1.49.
Do you know when the updated prices will be added? thank you by the way for all you do. I live by this website!!!
I agree with Doris. Lately when I print out the inclusions list, the wording is too small and blurry. If I enlarge the image, the wording gets even more blurry. I like to be able to print this and take it with me to the store but it’s useless if you cannot read it.
where can I print the list? thank you in advance.
I agree. I’m having the same problem!
I love to see the actual inclusions list but lately the scan of the inclusion list is so small I can’t read it.
My Kroger usually does not have the list on display.
Yay! I saved those coupons. 🙂
Get those PowerBar coupons ready again. Looks like $0.50 Power Bars again, free with various $1/2 or $2/4 printable. Perfect filler item.