I’ve known for awhile that my Facebook Fan Page was not set up quite right, but kept putting off making a move. For reasons I will not get into, it is NOW imperitive that I have my page set up correctly so people can find me! Of course I waited until I had 1900 “likers” before I decided to make the move and now I’m counting on all of you to move with me – PLEASE!!
If you’re already a “liker” you know how valuable it is to have up to the minute updates right to your Facebook Wall. Now you have another reason to “like” me on my new page:
Everyone who clicks “like” on my new Facebook Page will automatically be entered to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card! You don’t have to do anything else, but click “LIKE” – so easy!
Some of you got the heads up on Facebook last night and are already moving over (thank you!). The first 500 to make the move will get an additional entry into this giveaway, so 2 entries. Every one after 500 will receive 1 entry.
This giveaway ends when everyone has moved over. This giveaway is being provided by me personally, as a thank you to all my awesome Facebook likers!
Thanks for all you do….we REALLY appreciate all your hard work helping us save our hard earned money!
thanks, Suzette!