Upromise is a savings program that rewards you with money for college education or to pay off current student loans. BUT you can also request a check for the money you have saved in your Upromise account and spend it on anything you want! Just submit this form here.
There are many ways to earn cash in your Upromise account. The main ways I save is by linking my Kroger card, CVS card, debit and credit cards. When I purchase a Upromise participating product or shop at a Upromise participating merchant, I get credit to my account balance.
After you’ve registered, you’ll want to first go to “Ways to Earn”, then “Groceries”. Enter your zip code on the right side of the screen to find participating stores in your area. Kroger and CVS are the stores that participate in my area. Enter your shopper’s card numbers for all participating stores.
One of the best ways to grow your Upromise balance is by using the Upromise e-coupons. Each month Upromise releases coupons that you load onto your cards at the Upromise website. When you purchase that item with your Kroger, Rite Aid or CVS cards you receive the equivalent balance of the coupon in your Upromise account. And remember, you can also use paper coupons on the same items and get double the savings!
To load e-coupons go to “Groceries and Deals” button at top, then “e-coupons”. Load your coupons by clicking on them…don’t forget to hit “Activate” when you’re finished! Print your list and take it with you to Kroger, Rite Aid or CVS!
You can also earn even more by opening a UPromise credit card, but you don’t have to. Just skip all the extra stuff it asks you during registration.
It’s completely FREE! Get started here.
Thank you so much for all this great information. I have opened a Upromise account along with a Sallie Mae savings account (linked the 2) and have followed all your advice. Your new site ROCKS!