If you’re in charge of dessert for Thanksgiving I am here to help (unless you like to bake then carry on with baking). We have a NEW coupon for Marie Callender’s Dessert Pies. BUT when you buy this pie, you get a FREE Reddi-Wip. Here are the details below! I noticed that the Midatlantic Region has their Marie Callender’s Frozen Pies for ONLY $3.99 so you’ll get a little better deal in that region? What does YOUR region have them priced for?
Printable coupon is pre-clipped in zip 77477!
[pl-deal id=’112227′][pl-title]Buy (1) Marie Callender’s Frozen Dessert Pie (28-46 oz) – $3.99-$4.99 (thru 12/29)
Buy (1) Reddi-Wip (6.5 oz) – $2.00 (thru 1/5)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $0.75/1 Marie Callender’s Dessert Pie from 11/08 SS (exp 1/10)
Or $0.55/1 Marie Callender’s® Large Dessert Pie (26 oz. or larger) printable – zip 77477[/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]3.24 for both[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
It’s $3.99 in Vegas plus free Reddi Whip.
There are Kroger digitals for the .55 off pie, and .25 off Reddi Whip. Printables for both, and my store had peelies on the pies themselves – but not all the pies, I had to search! Peelies were .75 and .35 though, so worth the hunt 🙂
I believe there is a kroger digital coupon for reddi whip also!