The Nabisco Go Paks $1.00/2 Checkout 51 offer has reset so that means you can head to Kroger and buy a couple more containers and submit again. We have a choice of 3 coupons to use that will bring the final cost down to just a quarter for TWO. Make sure you are looking for the containers that are 3.5 oz.
[pl-deal id=’129649′][pl-title]Buy (2) Nabisco Go-Paks (3.5 oz) – $1.00 (Reg Price)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products – 3-20-16 SS; Includes 3.5 oz or Larger (exp 04/23/16)
Or B2G1 Nabisco Go-Paks – 3-13-16 SS; Includes 3.5 oz or Larger Only; Maximum Value $1.19 (exp 04/30/16)
$1.00/3 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products – 3-20-16 SS; Includes 3.5 oz or Larger (exp 04/23/16)
Pay as low as $1.25, Submit for $1.00/2 Nabisco Go Paks – Checkout 51 Rebate; Limit 1 [/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]0.25 for 2 containers[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
Amy Stotts
A couple of these were own closeout for .80 in the store I go to.