Well, they’re on to us!!!! Coupons.com just released this new $1.00/1 Johnson’s Baby Product coupon. But the fine print says it excludes trial sizes AND Johnson’s Buddies!!! BOO!! Guess we’ll just have to print it and save it for a sale! Any other ideas?
NEW $1.00/1 Johnson’s Baby Product Coupon – But No FREE Buddies!
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Cilla M.
Baby Powder…the stuffs not cheap! And the generic brands stink!
I believe it would be listed under “personal care” if it EVER shows up again!
Is it listed under “household”? Thanks.
It’s GONE!! I only printed it once and it is no longer showing up! I printed it from my desktop and I know I also saw it on my laptop because that’s where I got the picture! It is no longer showing up on either of my computers. Strange. Perhaps they are removing the “no Buddies” part and will re-post later????? A girl can hope.
I would suggest to keep trying…I will be. I’m a coupons.com stalker.
I don’t see it!
In the past even when a Johnson’s Coupon said “excludes trial size”, you could still score Johnson’ Buddies Bar Soap for Free b/c they are priced at around $1.00 (or less) at Walmart. I’m thinking someone over at Johnon’s caught on and made sure they added that exclusion to this coupon now. 🙁
Why no free buddies?
Shelley Frady
Dang it……my 16 year old loves buddies!!Brings back childhood memories for her so I would grab’em when I had coupons, LOL. She’ll be disappointed.
Cotton Swabs…like baby Q-Tips? GREAT IDEA!
You can still use them on the cotton swabs to make them only .38c at Target or Walmart. Not free, but still awesome.