12/27 – 1/24 | Huggies Diapers, Huggies Wipes, Pull-Ups, Training Pants or GoodNites Underwear (Jumbo Packs or larger)
Buy $30.00 = $10.00 OYNO
We have a NEW Huggies Catalina generating at Kroger until January 24th. This gives you plenty of time to stock up on diapers and wipes. I have a deal scenario for you below but make sure you look at all the coupons available and choose a scenario that works best for your and your baby.
Deal Scenarios:
[pl-deal id=’116101′][pl-title]Buy (4) Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers (jumbo pack) – $7.99 (Reg Price)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use (2) $2.50/1 Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers printable
And (2) $2/1 Huggies Diapers printable
Pay $22.96, get back $10.00 OYNO[/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]3.24 each[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
[pl-deal id=’116102′][pl-title]Buy (2) Huggies Little Snugglers Diapers (jumbo pack) – $8.99 (thru 12/29)
Buy (2) Huggies Little Movers Diapers (jumo pack) – $8.99 (thru 12/29)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use (2) $2.50/1 Huggies Little Movers printable
And (2) $2.50/1 Huggies Little Snugglers printable
Or $2/1 Huggies Diapers printable
$2/1 Huggies Little Movers Diaper printable
$2/1 Huggies Little Snugglers Diapers printable
Pay $25.96, get back $10.00 OYNO[/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]3.99 each[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
Remember, the $30 “total purchase” is your PRE-coupon total, meaning the coupons you use will NOT change the fact that you just spent 30 bucks. The only caveat to this rule is Kroger DIGITAL coupons. These WILL reduce your “total spent”, so make sure you don’t have any of those loaded that will make your total dip below $30.
I had hard time using my Coupons on the huggies diaper deal and the store manager told me that those coupons can’t be use on the packages,they’re for the large boxes so after so after Arguing a few minutes I got my diapers!
Hi, I am unable to print the 2.50/1 huggies snug and dry. I click on the link and registered but it is not showing a 2.50/1 just a 1.50/1. Can you help?
pick up the values is very finicky about who gets the high value coupons. i have 4 accounts and usually can get one of them to give me the higher value one. it’s very dumb.
My Kroger wouldn’t let me use more than 1 coupon the other day, plus said since it said “jumbo” it had to be used on the large boxes. I did not purchase any. Went back today, cashier told me I was only allowed one transaction and that I could only use 5 like coupons in one day. Was only able to do 1 transaction instead of the 3 I intended on. Very disappointing.
Does the $30 Higgies brand purchase have to be after coupons, or can you get $30 worth of coupons and use coupons and still get the $10 catalina offer?
What is considered a jumbo pack? I just want to make sure
Jumbo are the plastic packages. Usually around 20-30 diapers.
I just bought 4 packs of goodnights at $9.79 per pack…I did not get the catalina. What do I need to do to get the catalina?
Just tried this deal and it was frustrating. According to my calculation my precoupon total was 30.29. Apparently something dropped 40 cents so i didn’t get a catalina. Totally my fault but the cashier insisted that there was no catalina and that my calculation was correct. He also wouldnt take 2 print out coupons but it was ok when i pointed out that he scanned a kroger coupon twice by accident. He insisted the catalina was expired, they had to double check the signs… etc…
Long story longer i went to customer service and said i want to return these and buy a different combination because i missed my total for the catalina. He said dont worry about it and gave me the catalina.
All was fine in the end, just frustrating.
Fyi – i had 3 snug&dry and 1 little swaddlers & 1 kroger e coupon. I was supposed to be @ 30.29 with 4 packs plus the e coupon but there was a 40 cent decrease because of a sale on the little snugglers which was not posted anywhere!!!
I got so lucky, there was a cart full of huggies diapers @ the kingsport tn store marked down to $2.50 a pack of 32. I got 12 packs for $30.00 plus the $10.00 cat. Not sure if they have any left but worth a look.
As long as I have been couooning Ive never had an issue but recently ITS BAD. Kroger wouldnt let me use the couoons bc they said they had to be the boxes not packages. That only the boxes were jumbo
I had one store tell me that bc on the one huggies coupon that says “ANY” kind, that it had to match the item on the coupon. I asked why it would say “any” then…my couponing at krogers has deff. cut down
Im curious too if these can be rolled! Love this deal though with two under three and one on the way!
In the past you could roll them, so I’m sure you can this time too.
what does it mean to roll them? thanks!
To roll them means to use the catalina ($ off your next purchase) on the same item that triggers the savings to print. If you use the $coupon to pay for the same item that prints the coupon and no coupon prints it is because the system doesn’t allow you to get a reward twice. So you basically just have to use the $ to buy a different brand in a completely separate transaction. It doesn’t roll. hth
Is cat oyno or does it have to be next diaper purchase?
You can use the $$ coupons on anything. Doesn’t have to be diapers.
Can I roll these. If I wanted to use the cat on another transaction of diapers can I?
The cat can be used on your next purchase on anything you want. They are used like cash it’s not a coupon