Register on the 8th Continent site to get a high value coupon for $2.00/1 8th Continent Soymilk. Wait for the site to load and a box will pop up to register. The coupon link will arrive by email. You’ll also find a $1.00/1 8th Continent Soymilk coupon on their site when you click on “Get Coupon” along the top of the screen. Walmart sells these for $2.73, so just $0.73 after the coupon!! (thanks GiveMeNeither!)
BOGO Free Athenos Greek Yogurt up to $1.89 (facebook, coupon tab)
These are frequently $1.00 at Kroger, so just $0.50 each!
$0.55/1 Gerber Graduates Yogurt Blends Snacks 4 pk (facebook, Gerber Coupons tab)
$1.00/2 Hostess Cupcakes
(makes them $2.49 at Kroger this week!)
$1.00/2 Ritz Bitz Crackers (
Current Snackpicks Coupons:
$0.70/1 Kellogg’s Raisin Bran
$1.00/2 Keebler Toasted Crackers
$1.00/2 Rice Krispies
$1.002 Keebler Town House Crackers
$1.00/2 Special K Cereals
$1.00/2 Kellogg’s Fiber Plus Cereal
$1.00/2 Frosted Flakes
$1 off Kellogg’s Smart Start Cereal
$1 off 2 Fiber Plus Chewy Bars
(thanks LittleHouseLiving!)
$1.00/1 Emeril’s Food Product
(I posted the free sample already, but didn’t mention the coupon – thanks Neely!)
Looks like the $1/1 Boulder Canyon chips has reset on It showed up for me for the first time in days under 90210.