Become a “Liker” of Quaker Chewy Granola Bars on Facebook, then click the “Chewy Coupons” tab on the left to print a coupon for $1.00/2 Quaker Chewy Granola Bars! I almost thought this one wasn’t going to print (Redplum coupons are usually testy for me), but all of the sudden I heard the printer going! YAY! Kroger frequently has the 8-10 ct bars on sale for $1.98!
Become a “Liker” of BIC Mark-It on Facebook, then click the “Coupon” tab on the left to print a coupon for $5.00/1 BIC Mark-It Permanent Markers (24 or 36 ct)!
Become a “Liker” of Aunt Jemima on Facebook, then click the “Our Kitchen” tab on the left and view the ‘Live From the Line’ video. You’ll then be able to print a coupon for $1.00/2 Aunt Jemima Frozen Pancakes, Waffles or French Toast.
Become a “Liker” of Freschetta on Facebook, then click the “By The Slice Coupon” to print a coupon for $0.75/1 Freschetta Pizza by the Slice.
Become a “Liker” of Lance Snacks on Facebook, then click the “Coupons” tab on the left to print these 3 coupons:
$1.00/1 Lance Cracker Creations (6 oz)
$1.00/1 Lance Minis (10 pk)
$1.00/1 Lance Crackers Homepack
Become a “Liker” of UP2U on Facebook, then click the “Flavor Gallery” tab on the left to print a coupon for $1.00/1 Mentos UP2U Gum!
$0.50/1 Dole Canned Juice (6 Pk 6 oz or 46 oz)
$0.50/1 Blue Diamond Almond Breeze just added new V8 coupons and more! Use zip 43420 if needed.
(thanks ShoppingTipsAndTricks, TheBrainyBuyer, MamasOnADime, Kara & Merril!)
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