Thru 10/14 | Pull-Ups or GoodNites items
Buy (2) = $4.00 OYNO
We have a NEW Pull-Ups and GoodNights Catalina generating at Kroger right now that matches with coupons and sales. Pay as low as $4.99 per jumbo pack.
Deal Scenario:
[pl-deal id=’107203′][pl-title]Buy (2) Huggies Pull-Ups (Jumbo Pack) – $8.99 (thru 10/13)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use (1) $4/2 Pull-Ups Training Pants or Goodnites Products Printable
Or $2/1 Pull-Ups Night-Time Training Pants printable
$1/1 Pull-Ups Training Pants or Goodnites Products Printable
$1/1 Pull-Ups Training Pants printable
$2/1 Huggies Pull-Ups Training Pants printable
$2/1 Pull-Ups Training Pants printable
$2/1 Pull-Ups Training Pants from 09/13 SS (exp 10/10)
Pay as low as $13.98, get back $4.00 OYNO[/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]4.99 each[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
[pl-deal id=’107207′][pl-title]Buy (2) GoodNites (Jumbo Pack) – $8.99 (thru 10/13)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use (1) $4/2 Pull-Ups Training Pants or Goodnites Products Printable
Or $2/1 Pull-Ups Night-Time Training Pants printable
$1/1 Pull-Ups Training Pants or Goodnites Products Printable
$2/1 Huggies Pull-Ups Training Pants printable
Pay as low as $13.98, get back $4.00 OYNO[/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]4.99 each[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
If you have access to more coupons and want to do these deal more than once, be sure to separate your transactions to ensure your Catalinas print. And remember, Kroger Catalinas ALWAYS roll!! Want to learn more about how Kroger Catalinas work, including what to do if you don’t receive yours? Read THIS POST.
Awesome! I do have a question though… can I still use the $10 catalina (on your next baby purchase) from last week along with the Qs to do this transaction? Or is it only Qs or only the $10 catalina?
I used my $10 catalina from last week in addition to the manufacturer’s coupons.