5/24 – 6/24 | Suave Body Wash Products
Buy (2) = $1.50 OYNO
We have a Suave Body Wash Catalina generating at Kroger right now so I wanted to give you the details.
Deal Scenarios:
[pl-deal id=’91702′][pl-title]Buy (2) Suave Body Wash (12-18 oz) – $1.99 (Reg Price)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use (2) $0.50/1 Suave Body Wash Product printable
Or $0.50/1 Suave Body Wash from 05/17 RP (exp 6/14)
Pay as low as $2.98, get back $1.50 OYNO[/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]0.74 each[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
[pl-deal id=’91703′][pl-title]Buy (3) Suave Body Wash (12-18 oz) – $1.99 (Reg Price)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use B2G1 Suave Body Wash, exp. 5/31/15 (RP 05/17/15 #2 R)
Or $0.50/1 Suave Body Wash Product printable
$0.50/1 Suave Body Wash from 05/17 RP (exp 6/14)
Pay as low as $3.98, get back $1.50 OYNO[/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]0.83 each[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
Thanks for the Catalina printout, Jessica!
It did not print at my store, and customer service couldn’t get it to print either. Even though ti was advertised on the shelf and I showed them, they were not going to give it to me I was going to return the products.When I wanted to return, they gave me 1.50 on a kroger card. Not sure why its so hard at my Kroger. ugh.
My Catalinas didn’t print.
Mine didn’t either. I was lucky enough to find two of the bonus size 18oz. & $1.49 for that size is an okay price in my area. Debating if it is worth the trouble to contact catalina for the $1.50.
So if I were to buy 6 body washes in one transaction, would (3) 1.50 off coupons print? Or does it not work like that.
You would need to separate the body washes into 3 transactions, 2 body washes in each transaction. Usually only one catalina per kind will print per transaction.
Just ran out of body wash. Perfect timing!