Companies LOVE to hear from their consumers and are more than happy to send a coupon. You don’t even need to actually come right out and ask for a coupon (although you could). Just send them a simple comment, compliment, criticism – be honest. In most cases, they will send you a coupon(s). In just a few short weeks, we’ve received some GREAT coupons!
So, here’s the deal! Each week, we will be emailing 3 Companies in hopes of receiving a coupon for inevitable Kroger sales! (If you don’t shop at Kroger, you can still play. :)) I will give you the 3 Companies and a link to the contact or email page for said company. Then it’s up to you to email them your honest comments.
Planning Ahead Project Week #11:
Amy’s (Organic)- frequent sale price, varies
Honeysuckle Ground Turkey – frequent sale price, $2.99
Michelinas – frequent sale price, $0.88
I’d love to hear your ideas for next week! PLEASE email me at couponkatarina at gmail dot com if you have a company you’d like to email for coupons!
Sarah how long did it take you to get the Honeysuckle White Q’s.
I got 2 .50/1 and 2 1.00/1 coups from Honeysuckle White!
I received 4 coupoons for 50 cents off any size Bagel Bites plus a 75 cents off Ore-Ida sweet potato fries,$1.00 off any Ore-Ida frozen potatoes and $1.00 off Ore-Ida Steam n’ Mash potatoes
I also just started yesturday and even went to the “Check our Progress” page for a few… Checking my e-mail today and I have already had replies from 5 out of the 6 companies saying Thank you to Me! Their sending coupons also.!
I have just started doing this…and I must say, I am getting fabulous results! Almost every company that I have commented to have replied saying thank you and we are sending you coupons! 🙂