Print this Smokin’ HOT new coupon for $5.00/5 Kraft Cheese or Dairy Products. Hit your back button to print it twice!
It has been reported that Walmart has the Kraft Cheese on sale for $2.00, so just $1.00 each after this coupon!!
Kraft Singles
Kraft Parmesan Cheese
Kraft Natural Cheese (Chunks, Shredded, Crumbles (5 oz.+), Sticks and Cubes)
Kraft STRING-UMS Cheese
Kraft DELI DELUXE Cheese Slices
Philadelphia Cream Cheese
Velveeta Cheese product
Cracker Barrel Cheese (5 oz.+)
Cheez Whiz Process Cheese
Breakstone’s Sour Cream (16oz.+) – offer not valid in CO, CA, ND
Breakstone’s Cottage Cheese (16oz.+) – offer not valid in CO, CA, ND
Knudsen Sour Cream (16oz.+) – offer not valid in CO, CA, ND
Knudsen Cottage Cheese (16oz.+) – offer not valid in CO, CA, ND
(thanks, CommonSenseWithMoney & Eric!)
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