Rue-la-la is an invitation only daily deals site that offers exclusive access to the hottest sales events featuring the best designer and boutique brands at a great discount! If you signed up when I first posted this, you should have your $20 credit in your account by now.
The best part is, the $20 credit even cuts into your shipping costs which are $9.95.
Check out the Reebok Kids & Toddler Shoes you can grab for ONLY $4.95 shipped!!
You want in?
- Login to your Rue-La-La account
- Under Boutique, choose “Reebok”
- Sort by Price to find these items first!
- If you choose a $15 item, your total is ONLY $4.95 shipped!
Men’s Reeboks start at just $19, so just $8.95 shipped! Choose “Reebok – Men’s Footwear” and sort by price.
Now, this isn’t going to free or close to it, but today you can get some stinkin’ AWESOME deals on Cuisinart small appliances! Here’s what I found:
- Cusininart Stainless Steel Digital Scale – $35 (just $24.95 shipped after credit)
(I’ve been wanting one of these!!) - Cuisinart Flavor Duo Ice Cream & Sorbet Maker – $39.00 (just $28.95 shipped after credit)
- Cuisinart Smooth Operator Smoothie Maker – $39.00 (just $28.95 shipped after credit)
- Cuisinart Griddler & Gourmet Panini Maker – $59.00 (just $48.95 shipped after credit)
You want in?
- Login to your Rue-La-La account
- Under Boutique, choose “Cuisinart”
- Sort by Price to find these items first!
Got mine an hour ago….Kids reebok $4.95 shipped! Woop!