Walmart has released a newly Updated Coupon Policy with the input of fellow bloggers called Walmart Moms.
This is a really exciting update! Read through for all the updated changes!
Guidelines and Limitations
- Only one coupon per item.
- Coupons must have an expiration date and be redeemed prior to expiration.
- Coupons may exceed the price of the item. Change may be given or applied toward the cost of the basket purchase. (This means overage!)
- We only accept coupons for merchandise that we sell.
- Coupons must be presented at the time of purchase.
- We accept the following with Customer Service Supervisor/Management approval:
40 or more coupons
Any coupon over $20
$50 or more in coupons in one transaction
Note: Printable coupons for FREE items will NOT be accepted. BOGO FREE coupons will be accepted.
Make sure you Print and Save this updated Walmart Coupon Policy to get all the specifics for your next shopping trip! Download the guidelines and limitations with sample photos of the updated policy.
(thanks Consumer Queen who is a Walmart Mom!)
Hi, I was informed by my sister in law that Walmart in our area has a sign up in the entrance, she read it, as we coupon, and it specifically stated no longer accepting printed home coupons and had a coupon attached to the sign for a example. We are in southern Ohio anyone else seen this? Thanks
yeah I have NEVER seen a walmart coupon and and I’ve never seen any store that allow stacking 2 mf q’s on one item.
on a side note. I had a coupon for 2.99 off mission chips and they were 2.19 and she would only put them in for 2.19 not the 2.99
This new policy cleary says you can only use ONE coupon per item, so no more stacking several merchandise coupons with an instore coupon. How is this better?
Sue, I was unaware that Walmart allowed stacking in the first place. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Walmart “store” coupon. What state are you in?
Heather that’s to bad that happened, I am a cashier @ Meijer and I tell my co-workers all the time that it’s not coming outta their checks when people use coupons and the store is getting fully reimbursed so who cares if it’s free.
oh I forgot they informed her that she was just trying to get the items for free, um isnt that the point of coupons!
This is almost too funny, my sister had this new policy printed and still had a horrible time last night trying to redeem coupons, you know the $3 off Gain and the $1 off Gain dish soap the were very rude she wasted 20 min had the policy with her and they took it from her and kept it! She still did not get her items, and they treated her like trash because she was also buying WIC items! She has emailed walmart corporate, hand written them and I told her to talk to the store manager! Its unbelievable that they have a policy on hand and still do not follow it!