Walgreens has put out another Walgreens Coupon Calendar and and it’s already starting to show up in stores. The calendar is $5.00 and you can select from a variety of different designs – Beaches, Lighthouses, Flowers and more.
All the coupons appear to be manufacturer coupons and say “Redeemable exclusively at Walgreens”. We see these on clearance as the year progresses. In fact, back in June reader Tara found them for only a $1.00. While some of the coupons were expired by then, there were plenty still valid through the end of the year!!
-$. 50/1 Scotch precision applicator super glue exp 6/30/12
-$1/2 packs of Mead envelopes exp 1/31/12
-$1/1 Scotch heavy duty fasteners exp 9/30/12
-$1/2 packs of mead envelopes exp 3/31/12
-$1/1 Scotch magic greener tape exp 6/30/12
-$1/2 Scotch-brite greener clean products exp 4/30/12
-$1/2 packages of Kellogg’s cereals (8.7 oz+, any flavor, mix or match) exp 4/30/12
-$.50 on scotch moving and storage packaging tape exp 8/31/12
-$1/1 on Scotch brand precision scissors exp 9/30/12
-$1 off any post it flags purchase of $2 or more exp 12/31/12
-$1 off any post it tabs purchase of $2 or more exp 12/31/12
-$1/1 Scotch restickable strips and shapes exp 9/30/12
-$1/1 Five star binder or flex notebinder exp 8/31/12
-$1/1 Five star notebook exp 8/31/12
-$1/2 Rolls of scotch heavy duty packaging tape exp 12/31/12
-$1/1 Mead vinyl binder exp 9/30/12
-$1/1 Command product exp 12/31/12
-$1/1 Scotch magic tape one-handed dispenser exp 12/31/12
-$1/2 Scotch brite scrub sponge 3 packs exp 10/31/12
-$.50/1 Scotch wrinkle free glue stick, 2 pack exp 12/31/12
-$1/1 Cambridge item exp 11/30/12
-$1/1 Five star notebook exp 12/30/12
(thanks Wild For Wags!)
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