So, I’m all moved and I’m so excited to debut my new site!! What do you think? So far I’m loving it, although it does take some getting used to! Practice, practice. I did like the dark background from my previous site, but received a lot of comments that it was hard on the eyes, so I’ve lightened things up a bit. Hopefully everything is easier to read now. I’ve also rearranged some things, so you’ll want to take a minute to look around.
I would love to hear what you guys think, so feel free to leave a comment after this post. You will also find a “Contact” button at the top of the page, if you would like to email me with comments, concerns or suggestions.
I am certainly glad to have this transition behind me, so I can put the techie stuff on the backburner for awhile and concentrate on bringing you guys the deals and steals!! Thank you so much for sticking with me! And stay tuned for more upgrades…eventually!
Don’t forget to BECOME A FAN on Facebook!
Oh! And I want to give a BIG shout-out to Scott who helped me design the page header and so much more! Thanks Scott!
This post will remain at the top of my page for a couple days, so be sure to scroll down for all the newest deals!
Love it! Hopefully you love wordpress as much as I do! It is harder to get used to though!