UPDATE: Kroger no longer allows you to stack a digital coupon with a paper coupon. This is clearly stated in their online policy.
The number one question I get from readers is: can I stack a digital coupon with a paper coupon? So, I thought I would address it here today.
I recently contacted Kroger Corporate and asked if Kroger Digital Coupons can be “stacked” with a manufacturer coupon.
This is the email response I received from Kroger Consumer Affairs, dated July 2, 2010:
‘ Thank you for contacting The Kroger Co. In regards to your email; You may use a digital coupon with a manufacturer coupon at the store. I hope this helps. Thank you again. ‘
GREAT! However, it seems to be that “Softcoin” who issues the digital coupon contradicts this, as many times I do use a manufacturer coupon with the digital, the digital coupon then does NOT come off. I know many of you have also had this issue.
The other factor that plays into this, is where you choose to load your coupon. Some of the coupons you see on Cellfire, Shortcuts and P&G e-Saver sites can also be loaded directly from Kroger Digital. In my experience, if I load a coupon from Cellfire for example, it IS ABLE to be stacked but at that point is considered a manufacturer coupon and technically should NOT be stacked with another manufacturer coupon. If you load it from Kroger Digital it should be stackable according to the email above as they are then condsidered store coupons, but then the coupon IS NOT coming off sometimes.
I had the same problem 3 times with Safeway in the past few months. I thought it was just me! I agree with ya, I guess I shall start considering the digital coupons a bonus from now on.
I emailed Krogers (softcoin) with a problem I had with a coupon this week. They got back with me within 24 hours and asked for additional information. That was Thursday. I didnt hear back from them Friday so hopefully in the next couple days with the holiday. Mine was for two ecoupons that didn’t work and it was $10 worth. Funny thing is, I bought the same product using the same types of coupons the week before.
My opinion about stacking coupons is….why shouldn’t we stack them? We take the time to gather coupons and use them, and the stores get reimbursed for these, so nobody is out anything. Yes, it means we get much better deals, but these options are out there for anybody that chooses to do it.
If it weren’t for the coupon deals, I wouldn’t shop at Krogers at all. Besides the really small grocers, they are the most expensive option in my area. I have Walmart and Krogers to choose from. If the ecoupons continue to be a problem, I’ll just take my Krogers ad to Walmart since they match any competitor’s ads and be done with all the crazy coupon planning.
Kroger not Krogers
This is a very timely post! I was expecting a few e-coupons to work for me last week and they did not. One was for South Beach bars which are so expensive. They had a 2.00 peelie attached and the e-coupon was for 1.50 so I was pretty excited. There was a huge line behind me so I didn’t take time to ask any questions when the 1.50 didn’t come off. I’ve not had any problem with stacking them before because I thought it was within Kroger’s rules.
Thanks again for researching!
I just got back from kroger. After spending about 2.50 total out of pocket at walgreens, cvs, and target combined, when the register said 10.60 i was Apalled!!
We all do the math in our head as we go…or we should and i was under the impression i had spent approx. 6.00 with the digital coupons and paper coupons. Not so my friends. The totinos pizza rolls didn’t come off, the Wheaties Fuel didn’t come off, and the Hellmans coupon i Gave the cashier must have gotten missed. by the time i had deciphered the mess of the receipt i was confused and disgusted.
I did save 16.00 and it was a good deal. I will be more diligent and less apt to shop at Kroger in the future.
Except for the Wholly guacamole…Every sunday my store does their produce mark downs and puts the guac at 1.24 if it will expire in the next 4 or 5 days.
There is an coupon available from their website for 1.50 all the time unlimited prints. Sunday nights are mexican fiesta night at our house…lol
shew sorry for the rant.
Digital coupons should be consistent. They arent. I’m with you. plan your budget with out them and if they come off great.