Check your email or your Kroger Digital Coupons to see if you got a specific value off your next order at Kroger. I got a $5.00 off $60.00. Yay! I easily spend $60.00 at Kroger so I will gladly take $5.00 off.
I found my coupon in the GENERAL tab.
What did YOU get?
I got a $4 off $50. Is the $50 before or after manufacturer and store coupons?
I received $6 off $70
I got 4.00 off of 50.00. Yay.
I got $4 off of $50. I also found the free Lala. Thank you
I have not got anything like this.
I signed up for the Krazy Kroger offer via email, however I didn’t see any new offers. The email States that I will see new deals in my digital coupons. For instance, $5 off $60 purchase. I generally spend $1200 per month on my groceries from your stores & would live to receive money saving deals, such as this one. I realize these are tailored to my shopping habits. I also used to receive best customer coupons for $10 off 100 or $9 off of $80 via mail. Unfortunately, I have not received any since December of 2017. I shop exclusively at Kroger. I will have to expand my options for groceries if you cannot rectify this. Thanks for allowing me to express my feelings. Sincerely,
Jamie Barker
$14 off of $180
Got $12 off $150, I’ll use it!!
Just like Charlie Brown–I got a rock.
I got 9.00 off 110.00.
I didn’t get anything…and I spend a lot at Kroger 🙁
I got $7 off $90!!
I got $7 off $90. I had to look specifically in the “general” section to find it.
I got $15 off $180
Got $10 off $50.
$5 off $50 yay!!
$8 off $100 in the mail, nothing digital
I did not have a digital coupon but a paper coupon in the mail yesterday for $20 off $200!
I got $16 off 200
$9 off $110!!! thanks for the tip!
$4 off $50
I got a rock….
I got $7 off $90! Woot!
I got 14/180
I didn’t get anything 🙁
Thanks for letting me know about that. I got $8 off $100.
Thanks for the heads up. I got $4.00 of $50.00. Yay!!!!