Get these great Envive Probiotic items for as low as FREE at Kroger right now! We have an Ibotta Rebate* and a NEW Kroger Cash Back* that will take $14.00 off ONE box. Once you’re done with rebates and you’d like more, we have an insert coupons you can add to the mix.
[pl-deal id=’547720′][pl-title]Envive Probiotic (15 ct) – $9.99 (thru 1/23/22)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Submit for $7.00/1 Envive Products Ibotta Rebate* – Limit 1
And Earn $7.00/1 Envive Product Kroger Cash Back* – Limit 1
Or $5.00/1 Envive Product – 10/10 SS (exp 12/31/21)
Final cost is FREE + $4.01 Money Maker!![/pl-desc][/pl-deal]
[pl-deal id=’547721′][pl-title]Envive Probiotic (30 ct) – $19.99 (thru 1/23/22)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]ubmit for $7.00/1 Envive Products Ibotta Rebate* – Limit 1
And Earn $7.00/1 Envive Product Kroger Cash Back* – Limit 1
Or $5.00/1 Envive Product – 10/10 SS (exp 12/31/21)[/pl-desc]
*Kroger Cash Back, Fetch Rewards and Ibotta Rebate offers, values and expiration dates vary by account.
I can not find this at Kroger in my area. That is such a good price. I was wondering if your stores are combined with Walgreens. Our stores are. They no longer carry Kroger brand health and beauty items. They have Walgreens instead.