There’s a nice HIGH VALUE coupon for $3.00/1 Schick Xtreme3 Disposable Razor Pack!
Print your 2 copies per computer and then save for next week’s Rite Aid sale (starting 9/18):
Schick Xtreme3 Razor (4 ct) – $5.99 = $1.00 +UpR (limit 4)
Use $3.00/1 Schick Xtreme3 Disposable Razor Pack printable
Pay $2.99, get back $1.00 +UpR
Final cost is $1.99!
This is the direct link to the coupon – no zip code surfing required. 🙂
You can get a good deal at Dollar General also! A 3 count package of Xtreme 3 razors for $4.50 – $3.00 coupon equals a great buy at only $1.50!