Make sure you print up your $1.00 off any ONE International Delight coupon. You do need to sign up but once you get to the next screen after signing up, you can automatically print your coupon (twice). I had a hard time finding where to get the coupon after I signed up so look for the picture where it says print your coupons. Sounds easy (but not for an early morning print).
[pl-deal id=’93339′][pl-title]International Delight Coffee Creamer (32 oz) – $2.99 (thru 6/16) [/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $1/1 International Delight Coffee Creamer printable[/pl-desc]
Well, it looked like I had one, but gave me the old “you’ve already printed this coupon” message when I tried to print. I wonder if this is perhaps the same coupon they gave out a few days ago for doing a survey. And yeah, I love the Cinnabon creamer especially – and with that Saving Star rebate I totally want to stock up!
no coupon there I was hoping since sving star has a rebate on this item thanks