Nature Valley Granola Bars – $2.49
Use $0.40 Q from here
Shortcuts & Cellfire will each deduct $0.40
Final cost is $0.89
Fiber One Granola Bars – $2.49
Use $0.40 Q from 1/3 GM or from here or here
Shortcuts & Cellfire will each deduct $0.40
(Or, use $0.50/2 Q from 1/31 SS)
Final cost is $0.89
Nature Valley Granola Nut Clusters – $2.49 *
Use $1.00 Q from here or here or here
(Or, use $0.50 Q from 1/3 GM)
Shortcuts and Cellfire will deduct $1.00 each
Final cost is FREE + $0.51 overage!
Coffee-Mate Liquid Creamer (32oz) – $2.99 *
Use $1.00 Q from here (send a cup of confidence) or here
Final cost is $1.99
(or use $1.50/2 Q from here or $1.00/2 Q from here)
Post Cereal (select) – $2.49
Use $2.00 Q from here (shredded wheat, grape nuts or raisin bran)
Final cost is $0.49
Sargento Cheese – $1.99
Use $0.40/2 Q from 1/31 SS
Final cost is $1.59 each (wyb 2)
(or use $0.55 Q from Dec All You)
Kraft Cheese – $1.99
Use $1.00/2 Q from 1/24 SS or from here
Final cost is $1.49 each (wyb 2)
Velveeta (2lb) – $3.82
Use $1.00 Q from here
(Or, use $0.50 Q prev avail on
Final cost is $2.82
Tostitos Chips AND Tostitos Dip – $2.49 each
Use $1.00/2 Q from 1/17 SS (must buy both chips & dip)
Final cost is $1.99 each (wyb both)
DiGiorno Ultimate or Stuffed Crust Pizza – $4.99
Use $1.00 Q from 1/24 SS (rising crust)
Final cost is $3.99
Sara Lee Pie or Cheesecakes Bites – $2.99
Use $1.00 Q from here
Final cost is $1.99
Tide Laundry Detergent (20-32Liquid or 31-40Powder) – $5.99
Use $0.35 Q from 1/17 PG (value varies by region)
Final cost is $5.29
Quilted Northern Bath Tissue – $6.49
Use $1.00 Q from 1/24 RP or from here
Final cost is $5.49
Brawny Paper Towels (6big or 8reg) – $6.49
Use $1.00 Q from 1/24 SS
Final cost is $5.49
Ro*tel Canned Tomatoes (10oz) – $0.47 *
Use $0.30 Q from 1/24 SS
Final cost is FREE + $0.13 overage!
(Look for $0.25 Qs from blinkie machine too!)
(Submit receipt for Con Agra Coupon Booklet offer)
Hormel Chili w/Beans – $0.84
Use $0.55/2 from 1/24 SS
Final cost is $0.57 each
Farm Rich Appetizers – $4.99
Use $1.00 Q from 12/6 SS
Final cost is $3.99
Pillsbury Savorings – $2.99
Deal Idea: Buy (2)
Use (2) $1.00 Qs from here
Cellfire will deduct $1.00/2
Shortcuts will deduct $0.55/1
Final cost is $1.22 each
New York Garlic Bread – $2.49
Use $0.50 Q from Feb All You or from here
(Or, use $0.40 Q from 11/8 SS)
Final cost is $1.49
Armour Meatballs – $2.49<
br />Use $0.55 Q from 1/31 SS
Final cost is $1.94
Oscar Mayer Deli Creations – $1.99
Use $1.00 Q from here (no longer available)
Final cost is $0.99
Orville Redenbacher’s Popcorn – $2.42
Use $1.00/2 Q from 1/24 SS
Final cost is $1.92 each (wyb 2)
Orville Redenbacher’s Poppycock – $2.42
Use $0.50 Q from 1/24 SS
Shortcuts will deduct $0.70
Final cost is $0.72
Pillsbury Toaster Strudel – $1.77
Deal Idea: Buy (2)
Use (2) $1.00 Qs from here or here
Shortcuts will deduct $0.55/2
Cellfire will deduct $0.55/1
Final cost is $0.22 each (wyb 2)
Johnsonville Italian Sausage or Brats (19.76ox) – $2.99
Use $0.55 Q from 1/17 SS or from here
Final cost is $2.44
Johnsonville Smoked (& cooked) Sausage – $2.49
Use $0.55 Q from 1/17 SS or from here
Final cost is $1.94
Nabisco Snack Crackers – $1.99
Use $2.00/2 Q from here or here
Final cost is $0.99 each (wyb 2)
French’s Classic Yellow Mustard – $1.49 *
Use $0.50 Q from here
Final cost is $0.49
Frank’s Red Hot Sauce – $1.49 *
Use $0.50 Q from here
Final cost is $0.49
Oral-B Cross Action Toothbrush – $2.50
Use $0.75 Q from 1/17 PG
Final cost is $1.75
M&M’s (11.4-14oz) – $2.00
Use $1.00/2 Q from 1/10 RP
Final cost is $1.50 each (wyb 2)
Ziploc Food Storage Containers – $2.00
Use $1.50/2 Q from 12/6 & 1/10 SS
Final cost is $1.25 each (wyb 2)
(Or, use $0.55/1 Q from 1/10 SS)
Axe Shower Gel – $3.00
Use $1.00 Q from here
Final cost is $2.00
Dove Men+ Care Body Wash – $3.00
Use $1.25 Q from 1/31 RP
Final cost is $1.75
(Or, use $1.00 Q from here)
SoBe Lifewater (20oz) – $0.69
Deal Idea: Buy (2)
Use BOGO Free Q from here
Final cost is $0.35 each
Chex Mix – $2.49
Deal Idea #1: Buy (1) Chocolate Chex Mix
Use $0.50 Q from here or here (chocolate)
Shortcuts will deduct $0.50
Final cost is $0.99
Deal Idea #2: Buy (2) Chex Mix – Any other flavor
Use $1.00/2 Q from 12/13 or 1/24 GM
Cellfire will deduct $0.50/1
Final cost is $1.74 each (wyb 2)
Ice Mountain Water (24pk) – $3.49
Use $1.00/2 Q from Jan All You
Final cost is $2.99 each (wyb 2)
Keebler Fudge Shop Cookies – $1.49
Use $1.00 Q from here (if cheesecake middles are included in sale)
Final cost is $0.49
Colgate Total Whitening Toothpaste (4.2oz) – $1.67
Use $0.50 Q from 1/31 SS
Final cost is $0.67
Softsoap Body Wash (15-18oz) – $2.88
Use $1.00 Q from 1/31 SS
Final cost is $1.88
Irish Spring Body Wash or Bar Soap (8pk) – $2.88
Use $0.50 Q from 1/31 SS
Final cost is $1.88
Coca-Cola Soft Drinks (12pk cans, 6 or 8pk bottles) – $3.67
Deal Idea: Buy (4) Coke Products listed
Use $2.00/4 Q from here
Plus, use (4) $1.00 Qs from Recylcle Bank
Final cost is $2.17 each
There may be multiple Qs available for each item…I just try to list the highest value ones…check through your Qs for additional ones if you plan on purchasing more!)
One more note: It gets confusing trying to keep track of all the items included in the $5.00 off mix or match sale, so what I do is just keep a notepad on my coupon binder and mark it whenever I put one of the items in my cart. It would be bad if you missed getting the $5.00 because of a counting error. Keep in mind though, that if you do mess it up, just go to the service desk and they can help you fix it. (Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt!)
This post is part of Becentsable’s Grocery Gathering!
Yeah, Cellfire and Shortcuts both reset their Qs on the first…a couple days after I did these coupon matchups. I went back and got more toaster strudels! Check you receipt and the shortcuts will show up immediately after the item scan. If it didn't show up, email them and they will give you a credit for the next Kroger purchase you make.
its just confusing, I went to shortcuts they had $1/1 on strudle So I added it. As for Cellfire they want my cell number. I dont want to give it. 🙂 Anyway I bought 4 and had 4 $1/1 coupons and did that shorcuts so I'm thinking I got another $1 off of them.
$1.77 + $1.77 = $3.54Minus (2) $1.00 Qs ($2.00)= $1.54Cellfire and Shortcuts each deduct $0.55 = $0.44That's $0.22 each
Hi how does this come to .22cents?Pillsbury Toaster Strudel – $1.77Deal Idea: Buy (2) Use (2) $1.00 Qs from here or hereShortcuts will deduct $0.55/2Cellfire will deduct $0.55/1Final cost is $0.22 each (wyb 2)