Okay, here’s a quick list of the best grocery coupons I see this morning, including coupons for General Mills, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury & more! The following are all direct links…no zip code searching!
$0.50/1 box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal – great doubler!
$0.50/1 General Mills Treats or Cereal Bars – great doubler!
$0.50/4 Hamburger, Tuna or Chicken Helper
$1.00/2 General Mills Cheerios Cereals
$1.00/1 Totino’s Pizza Stuffers
$0.50/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks
$0.75/2 select Yoplait Multi-pack Yogurt
I also spotted this HOT coupon under zip code 43420: $1.00/2 Nestle Nesquik Ready-To-Drink Flavored Low-fat Milks (16 oz)
These often go on sale for just $1.00 (or even less), so a super deal after this coupon!!
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