We have a new Pedigree Treats for Dogs coupon available today that matches with a closeout I found as well.
[pl-deal id=’48227′] [pl-title]Pedigree Dentistix (7 treats) – $1.29 (On Closeout)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $1/2 Pedigree Treats for Dogs printable
Or $1/2 Pedigree Treats for Dogs from 01/26 RP (exp 3/22)
Final cost is $0.79 each![/pl-desc][/pl-deal]
Dallas area had beggin thick cut treat close out for $2.09. I had a coupon for buy 1 get a busy bone up to 3.69 free. They had busy bones all variety reg price 3.69….. Great deal both for 2.09 😉 happy doggies in this home.
Great deal!. Mine were a little more in the Denver area, priced at $1.89. There were MANY MANY doggie treats on closeout… Pup-perroni, Marrow Bone, and some other brands. All under $2.
YAY Cindy!! Glad you found similar pricing!! 🙂