Albertson’s has released 6 new printable coupons, most of which are store coupons. However, 2 of them are manufacturer coupons that don’t even mention Albertson’s and can be used anywhere!
$2.00/10 VitaminWater or VitaminWater Zero (20 oz) or Smartwater (1 L) printable
$1.00/2 Coca-Cola products (20 oz) (note: 1 must be Diet Coke) printable
All 6 coupons print from the same link.
(thanks WhoSaidNothingInLifeIsFree?)
the link has 6 coupons that will print….one is vitamin water and another is coke, the four others I’m not sure about
Amy B
The vitamin water shows bagels for me lol
mary c
the vitamin water shows pasta???