Right now at Kroger we have a good sale price on Reddi-Wip AND a $0.25/1 Reddi-Wip coupon! Your final cost is $1.75!
[pl-deal id=’112215′][pl-title]Reddi-Wip (6.7 oz) – $2.00 (Reg Price)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $0.25/1 Reddi-Wip Whipped Topping printable[/pl-desc]
Marie Callendar pies are on sale at Kroger as well, or at least they were still on sale around here, for 4.99 plus free Reddi Whip. There were peelies on the pies for .75 off the pie and .35 off the whip. Even though the whip was free with purchase I was able to use both coupons, great deal!!!! I had some separate coupons for the pie from mailers, so they would bundle nicely with this coupon, $3.99 for pie and whipped cream! 🙂