Make sure you stock up on Tide at Kroger for the remainder of the week. You’ll be paying just $2.99 for the liquid and $1.99 for the pods.
Please Note: It is against store policy to stack a digital coupon and a paper coupon! Learn more about Kroger Digital coupons HERE.
[pl-deal id=’182079′][pl-title]Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent (50 oz) – $4.99 (thru 7/18)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $2.00/1 Tide or Gain Laundry Detergent – 7-2-17 PG; Excludes Tide Pods, Tide Simply Clean & Fresh, Tide Simply Clean & Sensitive, Tide Detergent 10 oz, Gain Fabric Enhancer, Gain Fireworks, Gain Flings and Trial/Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp 07/15/17)
Or $2.00/1 Tide liquid laundry detergent (46-50oz), Tide PODS (15-20ct), Gain Flings (15-20ct), or Downy liquid fabric softener (62-77oz) Kroger Digital Coupon – Limit 5 (exp 7/18/17) [/pl-desc]
[pl-deal id=’182080′][pl-title]Tide Pods or Gain Flings (15-20 ct) – $4.99 (thru 7/18)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $3.00/1 Tide Pods or Gain Flings – 7-2-17 PG; Excludes Tide Simply Clean & Fresh, Tide Simply Clean & Sensitive, Gain Flings 5 ct, Tide Pods 5 ct and Trial/Travel Size; Limit of 2 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day (exp 07/15/17)
Or $2.00/1 Tide liquid laundry detergent (46-50oz), Tide PODS (15-20ct), Gain Flings (15-20ct), or Downy liquid fabric softener (62-77oz) Kroger Digital Coupon – Limit 5 (exp 7/18/17) [/pl-desc]
IMPORTANT: You can use these coupons up to 5 times in a SINGLE transaction. You cannot use these coupons in more than one transaction or in different transactions on different days. For example, if you choose to only use a coupon 3 times instead of 5 times in a single purchase, the coupon will be applied to that transaction and will no longer be valid for subsequent transactions!
I have a $2 tide coupon that I can use 5 times online.
Re: the stacking—you CAN stack a digital and a paper as long as one is a Store Coupon (the 5x use coupons are store coupons (you can tell because when your receipt prints out there is a little SC on the line where that discount is listed)), and the other is a Manufacturer Coupon. You CAN’T stack 2 manufacturer coupons.
I’ve asked the local store manager about this, and they say as long as it is a store coupon (the 5x for example) and a manuf. coupon, you’re ok with stacking. Kroger does need to update its policy to explain this so people quit getting confused. Same with those “best customer” coupons they mail out—those are store coupons, says so right on the top, so if there was a manufacturer coupon (either digital or paper) for the same item, you CAN stack it.
I used that coupon last week on the downy and got 5 of them, there is no coupon for tide to use 5 times I looked.