We have a great new Turtles Valentine’s Day or Regular Box coupon available to print. If you’ll give me time to complain I must tell you that grabbing this picture was torture because the top shelf seemed so much higher on this cold day – even short people need pictures to share with everyone..I seriously had to have a tall man help me with the picture (he did a nice job, right?). #shortpeopleproblems
[pl-deal id=’46056′] [pl-title]Turtles Valentine Box (3.5 oz) – $4.99 (thru 2/18)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $1/1 DeMet’s Turtles Valentine’s Day or Regular Box (2.9 oz+) printable
Final cost is $3.99[/pl-desc][/pl-deal]
You can also grab a bag of Ghiradelli candy for $3.99!
[pl-deal id=’46057′] [pl-title]Ghiradelli Valentine’s Impressions (7.33 oz) – $4.99 (thru 2/18)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $1/1 Ghiradelli Valentine’s candy item (3 oz +) printable
Final cost is $3.99[/pl-desc][/pl-deal]
Yeah for short people! LOL