Kroger Digital Coupons are something ANYONE can take advantage of!
- Simply go to (or download the Kroger app) and create an account (or login to your existing account). You will need to enter your Kroger Plus Loyalty Card Number.
- Load up to 200 coupons at a time to your card. This includes Kroger Cash Back Offers loaded to your card.
- At checkout, the coupon(s) will automatically deduct based on your purchases.

- Most Kroger Digital Coupons are LIMIT 1 per account, but many times they will have a Limit 5 Digital Event where you can use each one 5 times for a SINGLE transaction/purchase. SEE THIS POST AND VIDEO for full explanation on 5x Kroger Digital Coupons.
- It is against store policy to stack a digital coupon and a paper coupon! Digital coupons are considered manufacturer coupons – not STORE coupons, so you must choose one or the other. Every coupon you load specifically states “Digital coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item”. We need to keep with written policy when using coupons.
- The system will recognize if your paper coupon is higher value and will allow you to use that instead of the digital.
- Example: If you have loaded a digital coupon for $0.50 to your Kroger Plus card but want to use a paper coupon for $1, the system will reverse the digital coupon & apply the paper coupon to the order! You will not see this reversal on the receipt, it will just show that the higher value was taken off the item.
- Coupons are generally available within a few minutes but can take up to an hour before they can be used in the store.
- Digital offers deductions/discounts will appear on your receipt below the qualifying item(s).
- You CAN remove the digital coupon from your card. The only exception to this is if the digital coupon was loaded through another Kroger program such as email or targeted promotion. Coupons loaded from another source will say: “Special Offer Type” and will not have the “Remove” option. This is why I always recommend loading all your coupons directly from the Kroger site.
- If your digital coupon doesn’t come off at checkout, contact Kroger directly.
On Reddit there is a movement to try to get rid of digital coupons. Here’s what to do: whenever you go shopping there, grab a perishable item that has a digital coupon. Use the checkout line. When the item comes up, complain about the price, then when they say it’s a digital coupon say you don’t want it. They have to spend the time putting it back immediately because it’s perishable. Eventually they will get the message and get rid of digital coupons.
I do think that they could make the Kroger mobile app easier. For example, I can not find a list of the digital coupons that I clipped- it would be so easy if the menu offered that.
You can see clipped coupons. Click on Savings at bottom of app. Then click View All,center of page. Then at the top of that page there is a tab called Clipped. It is not easy to get to.
“It is not easy to get to.” You got that right!! An obstacle course inside a maze.
Digital ads are discrimination against people who don’t own a phone or are not capable of downloading the coupons, This is total BS, will buy most of my products at Ingles or walmart.
I don’t know why I cannot get my digital coupons, I’ve tried everything I know with no success.
I have been getting them for years. But this years it has been over and over again, sorry something is wrong, Wrong password wrong ID number. Use Google start a new account. And then all of the sudden I’ll try and it will work. But today I have tried at least 6 times and cannot get in..
How do I **FIND** those coupons I clipped while using the app??
I was at Kroger today to buy the ribeye roast on sale with digital coupon. I couldn’t find the coupon in the app and neither could a Kroger manager who tried on my phone. She put a sticker with a hand written note so the cashier can apply the coupon. These digital coupons are bullsht and a royal pain the a$$. I can’t wait for an H‑E‑B to open up close by so I don’t have to waste my time with Kroger
I agree. Today the ad came out and states digital coupon for large avocados. No were to be found on the digital app. How stupid is that?
I agree with all that digital crap.
If any of you think that Kroger actually cares about you as an individual, then you are mistaken. They only care about your money and finding ways for you to spend it with them. Their bait and switch with the digital coupons should be illegal. Kroger hates you fools. I was a happy fool also at my Kroger until they got around to screwing me too. Then I woke up and saw the light. By the way, they double charged my King Soopers World Elite Mastercard on a $141 transaction. DOUBLE CHECK YOUR STATEMENTS! They only want your money!!! They hate you!!
No grocery store or any place cares about anyone…just money…I have no issues with Kroger over the last several years, I’ve complained once & got a 30 dollar gift card just for one item that they squished on my pickup order.
How do our elderly take advantage of digital coupon savings? My 90 year old mother shopped Kroger for 60+ years, doesn’t have a smart phone, and has limited computer skills. Shouldn’t she be rewarded for her dedication to Kroger for all these years? Shame on you Kroger!
I agree digital coupons are extremely discriminatory, many lifetime shoppers aren’t able to use this, I grabbed some meat from the deli and gentleman there told me don’t worry the cashier will just apply digital coupons, but they wouldn’t, thank u for complicating shopping for the frugal
I’ve used Kroger digital coupons for years. I stopped getting the paper ones in the mail but I prefer digital anyway. I used to always get preferred and best customer coupons in the app. Now I don’t get either one. I just received best customer coupons in the mail. I’ve tried email, text and calling Kroger and no one can or will help. Do you know how to get my preferred customer coupons back on the app?
We are no longer getting our digital coupons
Not sure on the app, but you can get it from their website….I don’t see how everyone is having such difficulty with digital’s not brain surgery….but I HAVE had the issue you just asked about!
Kroger couponing is a hassle and waste of time!! It is difficult to use and time consuming to scroll thru everything, then still mistakes!! Not worth my time!!
Digital coupons are terrible always out product and no rain checks bad business not shopping anymore
Digital coupons are terrible at Kroger always no rain checks want shop there again
This site has been difficult for me to understand and engage. I have been able to see today that so far I have not been able to take advantage of any of the coupons I have clipped digitally.
I hope to do so in the future. We shop Kroger about once a month. We live 25 miles away from the closest store.
I hate the Kroger app!! It very difficult to use! Shame on you Kroger! How are the elderly suppose to use this crappy confusing app??
Kroger and all other stores using digital coupons should be sued for discrimination, the elderly don’t have access or know how to download digital coupons, the price should be the same for everyone. They are nothing but trouble, they don’t work half the time. Who ever came up with the idea of digital coupons was a real genius This is definitely Discrimination!!!!
Well said! I agree with you. Makes shopping more difficult. I’m not that good with phone apps, etc. Hate the whole digital coupon thing! It’s nothing but a pain. I’ve tried to go on line & clip the coupons but it won’t take my password.
There used to be a way to check the redeemed coupons but I can’t find it now. All of my digital Kroger coupons did not show up on my pickup receipt and can’t find them anywhere in the Kroger coupons available, clipped, or expiring links.
Thanks to anyone that can answer this!
The Kroger app has ways to view used coupons. When you clip your digital coupons, you can look under the section (clipped). At the bottom of your clipped coupons, they show the digital coupons that have been redeemed. I can view mine for several weeks that were redeemed. I think there is a time limit to be able to see it.
Also, you can use your app to see your past purchases including your digital receipt. You can see coupons taken off of your receipts. It does not show exact names, but you can tell if your coupons came off by looking. I check my receipt before leaving the store. Takes an extra minute but cashiers make mistakes and sometimes those digital coupons do not come off. Take your receipt to the customer service desk and they can pull it up and take it off for you.
I agree, it the most aggravating and discriminating thing they have ever came up with, the seniors are the ones that need the savings the most and don’t have have any idea how to download a coupon,
My eyesight is bad so looking through coupons of any kind is very frustrating ! I thought the Kroger card was supposed to take care of the discounts.
If you search in the “savings” section of the app, you will find a “view all coupons” section button. If you select the “view all coupons”, the page that uploads will have a “clipped” tab. This is where you can see all the coupons you have actually clipped.
Before you check out there is a list of all coupons that you clipped & above that it will tell you if you forgot to clip any…people just need to look carefully & remember to also check the top right corner of each item to see if there is a deal or coupon available!
Is there a way to mark coupons as you never want to see this coupon again? It is quite a slog to go through so many coupons that I will NEVER clip/use.
I just want to tell you how much I dislike your digital coupon program. It takes at least twice as long to shop with the digital coupons as it does to shop without them.
First, you have to scroll through a hundred or so items that are not organized in any manner. If you want to find a particular item there is no way that I have found to search for it except to scroll and scroll. It took me about 45 minutes to load some coupons a couple weeks ago and I gave up because it was not worth the effort. Today, I was going to buy Kroger butter, but discovered there were 3 prices – regular price. Kroger card price, and card and digital coupon price. So, I am supposed to go home and sit down and scroll through hundreds of items to find the butter coupon and then return to the store to use it? How many hoops are you going to make us jump through???
Give us the lowest coupon price with EITHER the card or the digital coupon and quit wasting our time. Shopping is a big enough hassle already. I used to be a big fan of Kroger but you are really testing my patience.
I agree, I absolutely hate digital coupons. Makes me shop elsewhere.
I agree!
My kroger app will not show/load digital coupons after working fine for years. I have uninstalled reinstalled. Anyone else having this problem? Any idea on a fix? Thanks
I’m having the same iszue
I had the same issue. I had to call Kroger headquarters to get it working. It was a pain. I hate this coupon system.
Why didn’t one single one of my digital coupons come off my Kroger receipt today?
I cannot get digital coupons to come off my account at all
how often does Kroger add digital coupons? Once per week to coincide with the weekly ad flyer or do they add randomly? I want to know if I need to keep checking daily for new ones, or only 1x per week?
Donna, there are new digital coupons added daily.
Thank you for all the great tips. I save 33% on my Kroger order with your help! Do you know what it means in the Kroger app when it states that an item is “Featured”?
My coupons keep disappearing without me using them. They are nowhere their expiration date. I am the only person using my card and my recent purchases do not show these items as being purchased.
I cannot move items from “List” to “My Digital Coupons”.
I live in Phx.Az and we have frys I was told by a cashier,at Frys that I cant use Kroger coupns?
Question…..when using a “best customer coupon” i.e. save $12.00 when you spend $120.00, it reads “minimum spend requirement is after all discounts are applied” does this mean I need to add up the amount I will getting back on Ibotta or are they just talking about digital coupons and paper coupons used in store will be taken off total before the best customer coupon is applied? Help! I just want to make sure I am not violating any policy
Just digital and paper coupons. The store doesn’t know what you will be getting off with Ibotta or any other rebate company.
I can not get digital coupons to download they will not clip very frustrating.
Does Kroger limit how often a person can clip the same adult beverage e-coupon? Right now there is supposed to be a coupon for Captain Morgan Rum. It is not included in the coupons when I search.
Sunny, I am not seeing that coupon right now but most Kroger Digital coupons are limit 1.
Was just in my account to add digital coupons. I currently am showing 162 digital coupons in my account and 160 of them CANNOT be unclipped. I do not load coupons from another site. Ideas on what is happening with this? I’d like to delete some of these so that I can add the more relevant ones to my account for use. I cannot add any as it shows that I have the maximum clipped coupons that are allowed.
how can I get print digital coupon it said clip but it wont
Would like to know how to print digital couponsHow can I get these.
I have issues all the time w/Kroger digital coupons. If you shop in the store, my advice is to take a pic of the discount, show it to the cashier. That has worked for me. Online, do the same, then when you’re in the store, go to customer service. I know, it’s annoying and time consuming.
After I use a digital coupon, the coupon will say redeemed online. But when I go to print out my digital coupon list for the week, that coupon is still listed as if it is still available to use. Example, a 5x digital coupon that does not expire for 2 weeks. So, does this mean I can use it again this week?
I keep getting an error message that says the site is not secure and therefore can’t download coupons
Delete the app, turn phone off, turn phone on, reload and sign in. It will reset.
My digital coupons got changed to clipped i have done everything and cant get back to digital please help
They are one and the same.
I have to go back weekly because of coupons not being applied. I can’t unload groceries and watch the screen. Is there a way to have this issue corrected on line instead of having to stand in the long line at customer service?
Can u email me the price of farmhouse mozzarella bites bought on 1/25/2020?
I try to scan my receipt before I leave the store.
Hello i was trying to load coupons for the 4 day sale this weekend and for some reasons all 150 coupons were loaded to my account and won’t let me remove them! Can you help me fix this please?
Larry, from a computer login to your Kroger account.
> Save Tab
> Digital Coupons
> My Coupons
> Far right it will say PRINT MY COUPONS
With Fry’s card, is there anyway to see all the items you have loaded onto your card in the form of a list?
Will the coupon disappear on my app once it is used? I used the, buy a gift card and get 4 X fuel points last night but it still shows up. Now I need another gift card. Will it work if I go today and buy another gift card?
What do the green and purple tabs on the app coupons mean?
Do I have to go through all the digital coupons to find new ones or are they listed somewhere else. ? I don’t like having to go through all of them looking for new ones.
Are you able to upload any coupons to your Kroger card or only coupons on the Kroger app?
I do not like the coupons for pickups
If I have 2 digital coupons for the same thing (ex; .50 of turkey burger and .75 off the same brand) and I purchase 2. will both coupons be used?
Yes absolutely will!
I put something on my digital coupon and under the qualifying it said this product is not qualified what does that mean could it be because the item is not on sale for a couple more days
Maybe you went over the 150 limit of coupons, or sometimes they only offer so many discounts for that product to people.
how do I get the digital coupons for use up to 5 times. having trouble trying to figure it out.
It automatically takes it off even after you used it. Happy shopping!
I am having problems finding the digital coupons for use up to 5 times. how do I get them?
Are the 5xs events Manufacture or store coupons?
I have been a Kroger member for at least 3 years.
Question is how come I never recieve the coupon mailer.
I shop in the store at least once a week ?
Thank you
Roxann Edwards
Why can’t people use the pick up and delivery coupons even if we are doing our own shopping instead of sitting in a our vehicles waiting to have it delivered to us. Those are better deals and feel we are being slighted because we are wanting to do our own shopping.
I cannot load my digital coupons for this week
The last several time I have tried to use digital coupons, even loaded to my kroger reward card I did not get and had to go to the service desk. My question: if I can printout the coupons, does that not mean they should be loaded on my card (and on my account) and ready to use at the register. Is there a step I am forgetting to do to activate the coupons. If I can print, should they not be on my card. I have double checked the account number (last 4 digits) on my card and the printout, they agree.
My husband does the shopping at Dillions. He has a flip phone. I have a smart phone. I am trying to figure out if once I load the Dillions coupon onto the shoppers card how i can print them off so he can take it to the store. He is not tech savy and I don’t have time to go with him. He feels comfortable with paper coupons but I want to take advantage of all the great stuff Dillions offers. Thanks
Bernadette Windhorst
[email protected]
My digital coupon app won’t load
Thank you very much!
U say kroger digital coupons may not be combined with man.paper coupons, unless they are store coupons… how do i tell the difference?
is there any way to know which coupons I have already used?
also, it would be helpful if I could see the answers to others questions!
what about bonus coupons, can you use them same time as Digital coupons?
Do checklist coupons load and are usable if no. Store is nearby? Love my digital coupons.
need help getting my digital cou[ons startedvwhat do i do would like to load them to my kroger card
can i use a digital coupon and buy 5# of say butter and come back latter and buy 5 more before the coupon expires?
Thank you there was some very useful information.
If I have already used a digital coupon will it disappear from My Coupons on the website? If not is there any way to know which coupons I have already used?
My digital coupon didn’t scan so can I still use it? its still in my active coupon?
Is there a way to see which digital coupons I have loaded onto my Kroger Plus Card while I am shopping?
Is this 5x coupons true??
We can redeem 5x coupons with paper coupon, because I tried with de tide 5x coupon and mfc and the cashier said I can’t combined bouth
These “2-day deals” kroger has, where you load a digital coupon and get mayo or cookies for .99 cents, and you can use it up five times….if you buy let’s say 5 mayo’s…can you use two manufacturers coupons ($1/2) ? It states at the bottom of the digital coupon, “ digital and paper coupons cannot be combined on the purchase of a single item”.
If the digital is a 5X, and is 1 dollar off 2, can that coupon be use 5X? so i would be able to get 10 items and the dollar will come off 5 times. all in the same tranaction.
I had an ap set up by a Kroger employee to get digital coupons and I can’t find it.
How do I retrieve 2x coupon that was removed in error?
Sadly, the longer you are a loyal customer, the greater the chance you will be completely unknown to Kroger because your Kroger coupon card will wear out. When it is replaced, you no longer have the same number or identity. Kroger sees you as a new customer and no longer provides the coupons that are relevant to your purchases. I am the most loyal Kroger shopper ever, shopping every week since the 1970’s. I have seen declines in product offerings, product quality and certainly in the shoppers’ discount card program.
I am new to Kroger and can NOT find there coupon policy. I only see a section for e-coupons. How many like coupons can I use in a transaction? Do they double coupons? How many printables can I use at a time. Thanks!
This is my 3rd attempt at getting a resolve on why digital coupons are not redeeming off my phone when i download them – the cashiers have to manually take them off when i show that they haven’t been deducted – 423315664420 – my last resort is i downloaded the Giant Eagle app they have digital coupons – my last visit to Kroger i bought all the digital coupon items i saved – none scanned i paid full price and walked out
The 5 x Ecpn are classed as store coupons and you CAN, without doubt, stack paper mfc on top of these 5 x digital deals. You CANT stack MFC paper coupons with the 1 time use Ecpn as these are also MFC
I was told by someone that you can use printable coupons with the digital 5x coupons is this true?
I read on a different couponing website that the 5x digital coupons are actually store coupons and that you CAN stack them with paper manufacturer’s coupons. But, even the 5x digitial coupons say on them that they cannot be combined with paper coupons. So, to test it, I went today and bought 2 of the Dole dippers (frozen fruit covered with chocolate) that I had a newspaper coupon for. I also downloaded the 5x digital coupon for them. It worked. The digital coupon came off and so did the paper coupon. I’ve previously had the cash register reject a printed coupon if I already had a digital one loaded to my card (that was on accident) so I know the system will reject it if it’s against the rules.
If you find out a definitive answer somewhere I’d love to hear about it! 🙂
Will a digital coupon loaded on my Smith’s card work at Fred Meyer’s also?
I cannot even tell what color the dot should be to say I want this coupon! Should it be on Red or green?
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(from what I’ve read) Is that what you’re using on your blog?
I sure was disappointed with the digital coupon. I was assured that if you loaded the digital coupon to your card that it would show up at register. Nope and I could not get my browser to work in store to prove I loaded the coupon. I have been a Kroger shopper for years but because this does not work correctly I lost out on a 4.00 savings I am so peeved. Anyone else have this problem?
I was wondering, is there a limit to manufacturing (paper) coupons you can use in a single visit?
Question. If there are two digital coupons for the same items, but the values are different, will the higher value one automatically be used? For example, right now there is a digital coupon for $1.00 off 2 Idohoan potatoes, but then there is another one for $1.50, also when you buy 2 Idohoan potatoes.
Once I have loaded all coupons of interest onto my card, do I have to purchase all the items loaded, or will only coupons for items I actually buy disappear? Just wondering if I need to remove unused coupons from my card before checking out to avoid losing those coupons.
Does Kroger load new digital coupons all on the same day of the week, or are they added sporadically? I’d rather get on and load one day per week rather than having to check every day. Is there a day that is best to do so?
Can more than one user have the mobile app on their phone with the same account? My husband and I both shop and want to both have access to quickly load coupons on the fly and the list feature within the app. At first glance, it doesn’t appear we can both add the app to our phones using same plus card number. Thoughts?
Why are some saying if you hand a cashier a more valuable paper coupon AFTER the digitals have been calculated that it will CHANGE to the paper coupons because the system can figure out the better deal (and presumably then leave the digital on the account for later use)…and some saying that digitals always take preference over paper coupons, so you have to take off digitals that might compete with the paper coupons you want to present? THAT SEEMS TO BE A REAL HARDSHIP TO DO. After I load all my coupons, then find a better one on the online printing sites or in the Sunday paper, I have to go REMOVE the coupon for the same product? Then I have to go back and remember and reload the coupon? What if I DON’T KNOW the price of an item, and it’s a deal for up to buying 4 items in the store, etc., that I have to do the math for AT THE STORE before I decide if I want to use the digital (for, lets say, 50 cents off one) or the paper coupon (1.25 off two)? What I want to wait until I see the item, read the nutritional label for a new product, etc., before I decide if I want to try one or two? Digital coups need to get their act together, because now loading these coupons from other sites for convenience can’t be deleted off another site’s account? They’re making something that should be simple VERY COMPLEX, and probably designed to confuse so that you CAN’T use the deals but wind up buying the product(s) anyway at retail prices.
How many products can you get per coupon on your kroger app.(if it doesnt have a (-or +)
Only 1 or how ever many you buy in that single transaction?
I’m older, and this is so frustrating to me. I’m not good with technology,so if I can’t get sale prices because of digital coupons, I may have to shop elsewhere.
I agree and go to wallmart more and more.i don’t like paying more then the person behind me.
If I have a manufacturer coupon for $2.00 on one item and it is in the mega sell for $1.49 can I still use the coupon and the .51$ go toward the rest of my purchases?
Our Kroger store scans the paper coupons after the Kroger Card Coupons have gone through and override for us. So we can get double the coupons!
I’m so sad right now! 🙁 I didn’t realize that once you used a digital coupon (I load them on my card via the Kroger iPhone app) that it will disappear FOREVER! I thought I could use that baby until it’s expiration. Lesson learned.
For example: Today I did the Bounty paper towel deal. On sale for 6.99, loaded the $2 digital. I only bought one pack. I was planning to just grab one every time I was in there until the expiration (not for a week or so). I think this had a limit of 5, so I thought I could use it 5 different times/days. Nope! I wish they would change that and remove it after I max it out.
They do need to add that feature…..the employees tell me that after I use a coupon it should no longer be on my coupon list…..this is not the case… confusing….I mean, who has time to go through and figure out which ones you used and delete them manually?
If I’ve used the digital coupon already but it’s still on my card, can I go back the next day and use it again? They do not disappear after I use them, only after expiring. Do I have to use a paper coupon next time? I find it difficult to organize this system if they stay loaded and can’t be used.
why shop at krogers???????
to waste your money
In the 10 for 10 . Can I use up to four coupons if it allows me to?
Okay so I was told Kroger doesn’t double coupons any longer. Is that true??
I don’t have some of the digital coupons that are listed on the match-up. I’ve changed zip codes, and they are still the same coupons as what I have. How can I find them?
You have saved my family so much money, that forward you to everyone I know.
-Can I use Kroger store coupons (mailed coupons) and a printable coupon in one item?
-Is the Kroger store coupons (mailed coupons) work with manager specials and closeouts?
Thanks in advance for the response.
I have found that if I am not sure I have a loaded coupon, but I have a paper coupon that I know is worth more, I do not have them scan my card until they have scanned all of my paper coupons first. That way I know I got the most valuable coupon used first. I work as a cashier at Kroger and have told this to many coupon users who have a higher value paper coupon. Hope this helps some of you.
Thanks Karren. I was hoping to get some ideas on how to override e-coupons. If there is a more valuable paper coupon.
If your Kroger e-coupon doesn’t load the customers service desk should be able to help you. They can see what coupons are loaded to your card, make sure the correct product was purchased, and then punch in a code to get you a reimbursement.
Yes, it’s a hassle that it didn’t come off originally, however they should be able to fix it for you just fine.
I just downloaded the app and was noticing how for the Super Sale digital coupons it says they can be used up to 5 times. Now, my question is if I load a Super Sale coupon how can I use it up to 5 times? Is it that once I scan my Rewards Card after the digital coupon has been loaded on to it it automatically uses it the 5 times? Can I get a breakdown or explanation please? If you can you can email me at [email protected] thank you! 🙂
The Super Sales work like this:
You must load the eCoupon to your card first. Then, when you go and check out you can use that coupon up to 5 items. So if you buy 2 items, you can still use it 3 more times before the coupon is no longer able to be used. It doesn’t, however, use it automatically 5 times. You must buy 5 of that particular product. It does not deduct the coupon 5 times on one item.
Actually, you can use the coupon for only ONE trasaction. If you choose to only buy two of the item, the the coupon will then disappear. It will NOT be available for you to use three more times. So you can buy 5 of the item and the coupon will come off 5 times, but it has to be within ONE transaction.
Silly question, probably, but do you need the physical card for these discounts to take place? Or can I just use the phone number associated with the card to receive these?
You can use the phone number (alternate ID) associated with the card. I typically do this and have no problems with the digital coupons being used.
I have four incidents of ecpn not being deducted automatically that absolutely should have been. I’ve called tech support twice and the first time I was promised a call back and the second time I was promised an email response within 3-5 days. As of yet, I’ve received neither 🙁 My coupon loss totals $5.50.
Does Krogers have a reputation for ignoring issues like this or am I just having bad luck? Interestingly also I had an incident where an ecpn was deducted when it shouldn’t have been ( not complaining about that one)
Dumb question: How do these affect price matching at Walmart?
I have shopped at Walmart and not happy with the quality. Only name brands seem to be the same. I would rather pay a little more even for store brands and get better quality. I find their fruit and meat not as good quality as Kroger. (tho lately Kroger’s fruit has not been very good! :(. I do not think that Kroger does price matching but they have been awesome if I ever has an issue with any quality.
I’m curious as to why digitals are considered a manufac coupon? Is Kroger able to submit the digital redeemed ones to the manufac’s for refunds?
good post, i already practice most of what you said: load all store brand qs, consider coupon value and doubling policy, load rare qs, remove digital q when i have a better paper q. however, I didn’t know that ecoupons didn’t apply to manager specials and close-outs.
Do you know which is used first? Our Kroger only doubles up to 50 cents for the paper coupons. So, if I happen to have a $.55 cent coupon on the card, and a $.50 coupon as paper. Will it use the one on the card and the cashier hand me back the paper coupon, or will it know that the paper coupon is better and leave the ecoupon on the card?
I just want to know if it will automatically give me the best value, or if I will need to remove the ecoupons that might compete with my better paper coupons.
Brandee, Digital Coupons always take preference over paper coupons, so double check what you’ve loaded BEFORE you leave for the store and remove any that you have a better paper coupon for. Or just buy extra.
This information is what I have been scouring the web trying to find. This is so helpful–you should put it in the article! Thank you so much.